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Z ulgą wysiadamy w Moron. Małe, ciche miasteczko. Nie bardzo wiadomo, w którą stronę skierować pierwsze kroki. Nie przyjechaliśmy transportem, którym zwykli przyjeżdżać turyści toteż nikt na nas nie czeka, nikt nie oferuje pokoi. Jesteśmy po raz pierwszy zdani na samodzielne szukanie kwatery. Domy, w których są mieszkania z pokojami do wynajęcia są oznaczone specjalną niebieską tabliczką. W pobliżu żadnego takiego nie widać. Trudna rada, plecaki na plecy, pytamy o drogę do centrum i zasuwamy. O jest – pokazuje Asia palcem po przeciwległej stronie ulicy. I tam dalej też. Pytamy tu, pytamy tam. W pierwszym nie ma miejsc, a wszystkie następne za drogie. Szukamy dalej. Plecaki i rozbiegane oczy zdradzają niewątpliwie kim jesteśmy i czego szukamy bowiem podjeżdżający rykszą koleś nie tyle pyta, ile od razu oferuje tani pokój po drugiej stronie miasta. Od razu ustalamy cenę, a że ta zawiera też dowóz na miejsce, pakujemy się do rykszy i nieznanym dotąd środkiem transportu, powolutku – chłopak nie jest jakoś nadzwyczajnie umięśniony, jedziemy do naszego nowego miejsca zamieszkania. Przy ustalaniu ceny zaznaczyliśmy, że umowa dojdzie do skutku po naocznej inspekcji. Ta nie wypada najlepiej. Pokój bardzo tani, ale pozostawiający też bardzo wiele do życzenia. To co zostajemy? – pytam Asię, a Asia mnie. Spędzimy przecież tu zaledwie chwilę, bo jutro z samego rana wyruszamy dalej na północ nad morze, to po pierwsze. Po drugie, nie chce nam się znowu chodzić i szukać. A po trzecie? No właśnie - szalę na stronę, że zostajemy, przechyla promienny uśmiech właścicielki, podobnej z postury do pani wpuszczającej do autobusu i propozycja typowego kubańskiego obiadu: ryż, ryba i ugotowana czarna fasola. Zostajemy. Po skromnym, ale pysznym obiedzie chwila wytchnienia, siesta. Potem cóż – zamiast siedzieć w takim sobie pokoju, lepiej przespacerować się po takim sobie mieście. Idziemy. Nie ma tu, jak to zwykle w kolonialnych miasteczkach, klasycznego rynku. Architektura paru ocalałych budynków też nie powala. Są za to inne rzeczy. Woda z sokiem z rowerowego straganu, niczym PRL-owskie saturatory, nasza ulubiona kubańska pizza za 10 gr., bar przypominający bar „Miś”, a w nim kawa i ciastko, jako zestaw obowiązkowy i wiele innych miejsc przypominających....pssst – tak, tak nie wpadamy w melancholię. Mamy spacer pt. „Powróćmy jak za dawnych lat....” i tyle. Najważniejszego odkrycia dokonujemy jednak na dworcu kolejowym. Następne miasto na naszej mapie to Santa Clara. No i proszę – do Santa Clara jest pociąg za ... nie uwierzycie, za dwa grosze. Jedyny problem, że nie jeździ codziennie tylko wahadłowo. Dzisiaj tam, jutro z powrotem i tak na zmianę. Dzisiaj odjechał, więc następny jest pojutrze. Zobaczymy jak nam się będzie podobać nad morzem i ile czasu tam strwonimy. Być może, że za dwa albo cztery dni wrócimy i wtedy kto wie? Może jazda tanim starym pociągiem będzie następną przygodą na kubańskim lądzie?

Nazajutrz skoro świt wyruszamy w kierunku podobno najpiękniejszych karaibskich plaż. W jaki sposób tam docieramy i co tam znajdujemy opowie Asia w następnym artykule. Dość powiedzieć, że wieczorem jesteśmy znowu w Moron, czyli śmiało możemy kupić bilety na jutrzejszy pociąg. Wyjazd 12:44 – mamy zatem sporo czasu by się jutro porządnie wyspać, ale do poprzedniego hostelu nie wracamy. Zaoszczędzimy bardzo na transporcie, to możemy wydać parę dolarów więcej na lepszy pokój. Zaraz obok dworca, w jednej z kilkunastu, postkolonialnych willi, ze wspaniałym ogrodem, eleganckim wnętrzem i super wyposażonym pokojem, ustalamy naszą nową kwaterę. Warto będąc na Kubie, przynajmniej jedną dobę spędzić w pomieszczeniach pamiętających złoty czas wyspy. Złotawe smugi zachodzącego słońca, oparte o różowe ściany okazałej stylowej willi, konie za oknem zaprzęgnięte do drewnianych bryczek, gorące karaibskie powietrze i dobiegająca z oddali latynoska muzyka, to wszystko sprawia, że bujając się na ogrodowej huśtawce odlatujemy w odległe kolonialne czasy. Dopiero nazajutrz, gwizd pociągu, pewnie również pamiętającego te czasy, wyrywa z nas z nostalgii. Biegniemy na dworzec i nawet super bogata oferta dnia widniejąca nad barem nie jest nas w stanie zatrzymać. Odjeżdżamy.




























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~TimothyPouse, 28-04-2022
НУЖЕН ПРОГОН Зеннопостером и Олсабмиттером? пишите по контакту: zennoposteralsabmitter@yandex.ru

Что такое ZennoPoster?
ZennoPoster – решение «всё в одном» для автоматизации SEO задач. Независимо от области SEO, он сохранит Вам много времени и денег.
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~TimothyPouse, 28-04-2022
НУЖЕН ПРОГОН Зеннопостером и Олсабмиттером? пишите по контакту: zennoposteralsabmitter@yandex.ru

Что такое ZennoPoster?
ZennoPoster – решение «всё в одном» для автоматизации SEO задач. Независимо от области SEO, он сохранит Вам много времени и денег.
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Для использования ZennoPoster Вам не потребуются какие-либо специальные навыки и знания, это также просто, как конструктор Лего!
Allsubmitter не только предлагает вам экспертное решение для отчетов и статистики клиентов. Но is также предлагает вам лучшие доступные услуги по отправке онлайн-каталогов.
~TimothyPouse, 28-04-2022
НУЖЕН ПРОГОН Зеннопостером и Олсабмиттером? пишите по контакту: zennoposteralsabmitter@yandex.ru

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12 avoidable Windows Programs and Apps You Should Uninstall

Out of all the software using your laptop, How many programs do you undoubtedly use regularly? Most people keep a fair amount of unnecessary software attached to their systems. While most apps are just outdated, others are Windows bloatware, detrimental software, Or other junk you can remove from your printer.

a few common unnecessary Windows 10 apps you should uninstall.

How to Check Your Installed Programs on Windows 10 on the internet review the installed programs on your system in Windows 10. Open Settings and head into the Apps > Apps presents section. there, You'll see a list of the stuff installed on your PC.

those on Windows 8.1 or Windows 7 can click on the Start button and search for Programs and Features. This will open your a similar list where you can review everything currently installed on your system.

To remove a computer software, Just click to focus on it and choose Uninstall. programs software, It might uninstall immediately or need you to advance through some dialog boxes. See our guide to uninstalling programs on Windows 10 for more information.

without hesitation, here are what apps you should uninstall from Windows remove any of the below if they're on your system!

1. QuickTime QuickTime is Apple's videos player. While it's still a present-day program on macOS, the company hasn't supported the Windows version since 2016.

soon after Apple announced the deprecation of QuickTime for Windows, Trend Micro announced that the software had a few critical vulnerabilities. Since Apple can't ever patch these, It's not safe to have QuickTime put anymore.

Removing QuickTime shouldn't cause any disruptions, As iTunes doesn't turn to it. If you need a replacement QuickTime, begin using VLC, Which will play about anything.

2. CCleaner

CCleaner was once a trusted Windows app for cleaning junk, But its fame went downhill after it was acquired by Avast. Issues included forced updates without authorization, Data string that enabled itself after restarting, And the technology itself distributing malware unknowingly.

When we thought about CCleaner in 2020, We found that it had cleaned up its act but was still largely uncalled for. you'll discover suitable cleaning tools elsewhere, Including those built in Windows itself. Follow our step by step guide to cleaning your PC and you can leave behind CCleaner.

3. Crappy PC Cleaners Many concern installed (Or inadvertently installed) A PC cleaning app at one point. a lot these products range from useless to harmful, As Registry cleaners don't improve the productivity of Windows at all. if you think garbage like MyCleanPC or PC Optimizer Pro in your installed apps list, You should take them out.

Read our guide to cleaning named above for a proper cleanup method. If your hard drive feels slow, Try many ways to make Windows faster.

4. UTorrent

UTorrent was considered once the gold standard of torrenting software. additionally, It's had a host of issues throughout the years that make it untrustworthy now.

as well as having ads crammed into the interface, UTorrent also includes offers for other plan tools, which happens to be annoying. Its worst offense came in 2015, When the app is discovered to bundle in cryptocurrency mining software without letting users know. This wasted your system resources phone to make money for the company, Which apparently gave some to charity.

There's no reason to think about uTorrent now. We think qBittorrent wonders for the skin torrent client, As it's free of all this [url=https://www.bestbrides.net/how-to-tell-if-a-chinese-woman-likes-you/]how to know if a chinese girl likes you[/url] nonsense.

5. Adobe Flash Player and Shockwave Player Adobe Flash Player stop being supported as of January 2021. though rapid ejaculation blocked in all modern browsers now, require to still uninstall local copies of Flash. This stop you safe from any future security issues, Since Adobe isn't bringing up-to-date it anymore.

another similar runtime plugin, Adobe Shockwave Player, Was ceased in 2019. the business no longer offers it for download, And you're extremely unlikely to find a website which it.

you should thus remove both Shockwave Player and Flash Player. They're both relics of an era gone by and unwelcome today.

6. Java Java is the one other media runtime, And includes two accessories: Java on the pc's desktop, And the Java plugin for windows (Which is infamous for having security problems). Though it was once not unheard of, Very few webpage use it nowadays. the moment of writing, W3Techs signifies that under 0.02 percent of internet use Java.

Modern reproductions of Chrome and Firefox don't support it, so Java is less of a security problem than it once was. Unless you're an Android developer or use some computer saavy software that relies on Java, it is uninstall it. you'll probably never notice a difference.

7. 'microsoft' Silverlight

Silverlight is a web circumstance, much Adobe Flash, that after enabled rich media content in your browser. rice, These plugins were necessary on a lot of internet. But now they're deprecated and merely useful. seeing W3Techs again, We see that fewer than 0.03 percent of internet sites use Silverlight as of early 2021.

Modern browsers never know it work with Silverlight; Chrome and Firefox haven't copied it for years, And it was never works with Edge. Silverlight is only officially supported in web browser, Which is only part of Windows 10 for compatibility reasons anyway. You won't lose anything by removing Silverlight.

when you're wondering what to uninstall from Windows 10, One of the most obvious candidates is junk in your browser. While toolbars were once a far more predominant problem, Modern versions of Chrome and other browsers have the good news is fought back and mostly eradicated them. nevertheless, Spammy extension cords are still in the wild.

read more in your programs list for toolbars like the Bing Bar, Google plugin, Ask toolbar, yahoo and google! toolbar, Or the Babylon toolbar. if you locate any of them, uninstall them. next, study the installed add ons or extensions in your browsers. do not forget to recognize and review everything there, As even professional extensions can be sold to shady companies.
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Jeanette McSherry

BlogsCelebrating LifeComforting WordsSincere CondolencesTools for Tough TimesWidow in the market, All Blogs posted a blog post2nd YearI am finding the 2nd year after my husband's death to be considerably worse. maybe I was in shock. Busy with insurance and wills and bills left me not much time to feel things. My husband's healthiness when he had his accident was horrible. So as quality lifestyle goes I knew he was in a better place. But as timeSee More posted a [url=https://www.bestbrides.net/how-to-tell-if-a-woman-likes-you-based-on-her-zodiac-sign/]how to tell if a libra woman likes you[/url] blog postCalm after the StormThe month has been beautiful in high altitude. no need for a/c just open a window at night. This year I have been joined by my mate James. He loves NC nearly everything I do. Is experiencing difficulty finding a job overqualified for everything. Have had some disorders of the dogs running away again. I guess all the wildlife here is beckoning. I will post a new picture of the puppy he is larger than my german spitz already. Charles and Steve hope your birthday was wonderful. Miss youSee MoreIt has been four months since my husband's pet death. A month of numbness, Holding it together and pretending to be strong when allowing myself to feel may possibly instantly shattered that illusion. The second month was one trying to climb what I perceived to be an infinite wall of getting the finances together and filling out countless forms. It didn't help that the stupid doctor filled out the death certificate badly. And if the funeral home knew the depths of the pain sensation IDear Jeanette.As you have said your children don't see you that often and get on with their own lives. It's sad they can't be happy for you planning marriage again, although more often it's the sons who feel strange their mother is remarrying although I'm sure your daughter may feel the same. Luckily they said they would come to wedding, But would be difficult, one such red flag for you! I would have a talk with your children and tell them that no one can replace their father and that your fiance is not trying to replace him. Also tell them straight up they have a life and you have every right to have a life of your own. you'll find nothing wrong with getting married again and they should be happy for you. Jeanette, Stand strong on the one, Have your marvelous wedding and start a new life again. You will usually have wonderful memories of your husband, But he is gone and you are left in our bodies. You are so lucky to have met someone you love and who loves you so don't let youngsters stand in the way. Enjoy your wedding and don't let your offspring ruin that day for you.with 8:42pm on july 17, 2020, Lisa Hamilton saidI'm not quite sure how to retort to your email, But I have some thoughts let me share, for being a widow, surviving mother, And Episcopal clergyman, So I'll try this procedure.Those both could be seen as lovely ideas to me. The kids and/or your fianc can be ideas as well. A toast to your late husband by your new husband at the wedding? Altar flowers specialized in your late husband's memory? Your minister sometimes have ideas.nonetheless, May your next chapter be richly blessed.within 4:55pm on jan 22, 2019, Marsha l saidJeanette: He looks like a keeper, But I do realise your hesitation. tell the truth with him; Really sit down and tell him of those feelings. Let him know that grief just doesn't disappear in a year or more and that you will know when it's high time. He seems like a patient man and I'm sure he's in order to just be around you. The fact he appears feels love for you (This is common because he's been such a great friend to your folks) He will remain just that so anyone with stressed. Nothing wrong with acquiring a drink, Dinner or along with, He and the youngsters can do some fun things. He sounds like the type of man who will wait and if it should turn out he is not how you want although somewhat upset he will back off. for today, Don't let him get away and be sure he knows it's a friendship basis at this point in time. I am very lonely and wish I had a friend like that so rethink this all. He may sound like a very patient man. That's the sort of man most women need. Also be blunt in telling him you don't like to rushed making any decisions at this time about the two of you. fortune!during the 2:28am on october 14, 2018, Darlene Y Garland saidThank your business.coming from 8:36am on october 10, 2018, Dave saidThank you for the accept and condolences, I truly lost my best friend Chad at the young age of 37 in October 1st due to complications from Diabetes! I honestly don't know dealing with this because we grew up together and spent a lot of time together and worked together!at the 7:51am on july 1, 2018, Denise saidGood snack Jeanette its Denise. i think you'll get my message. I'm still learning how to react and pick up messages so forgive me slowness. I wonder how you are coping proper. Coping Jeanette you will find there's skill and it can be a difficult one during times of distress. One thing definitely helps though is writing. An article I read regarding the best help for those who grieve said the bible is timeless in regards comfort. it has dependable advice and can bring immeasurable comfort to those who grieve. I'm so thankful to know that you have a better future for us. Imagine the time when those in the grave will be cut back to life on earth.
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