Santa Clara



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Na stację Santa Clara dojeżdżamy późnym wieczorem, a praktycznie wczesną nocą – jest po 22-giej. I co dalej? Jest ciemno, jest mżyście, a my nie wiemy dokąd iść. Z dworca podążamy za wszystkimi sądząc, że kierują się w stronę miasta. Jednak na pierwszym skrzyżowaniu grupa rozchodzi się w trzech kierunkach i nie bardzo wiadomo, za którą teraz. Pytam chłopaka z mocno osadzonym na oczy kapturem, bo mżawka nagle przechodzi w deszcz, którędy do centrum. Niedaleko. Tu prosto, potem w prawo pod górę, a po drodze powinny być już mieszkania z pokojami do wynajęcia. Są. Trochę głupio dzwonić o tej porze, ale nie mamy innego wyjścia. Kubańczycy jak cała Ameryka Latynoska, nie chodzą wcześniej spać. Już po pierwszym dzwonku drzwi się otwierają. Niestety tylko po to żeby za chwilę się zamknąć z powodu braku wolnych miejsc. W drugim mieszkaniu sytuacja się powtarza, z tym tylko, że drzwi się nie zamykają. Pani dzwoni do kilku znajomych, aż znajduje dla nas wolny pokój dwie przecznice dalej. Jest tak wspaniała, że narzuciwszy jakieś palto na plecy prowadzi nas pod same drzwi, w których czeka już właściciel. Sytuacja nie pozwala naturalnie na jakiekolwiek negocjowanie ceny. Bierzemy co mamy. Chętnie pozbywszy się ciężaru z pleców wyciągnęlibyśmy już nogi i najchętniej się nigdzie nie ruszali, ale głośne odgłosy dochodzące z pustych brzuchów i tak nie pozwoliłyby zasnąć. Musimy iść poszukać czegoś do jedzenia. Naszej pizzy ala Kuba nie znajdujemy. Jest jakiś hamburger. Może być. Z hamburgerem w ręku robimy honorowa rundę wokół rynku i czym prędzej wracamy do domu. Prysznic i wygodne łóżko to tylko dwie rzeczy, o których marzymy.

Santa Clara nie jest miejscem, które koniecznie będąc na Kubie należy odwiedzić. Dla nas to praktycznie tylko przystanek w drodze nad morze do Varadero. Skoro jednak już tu jesteśmy to może warto parę minut miastu poświęcić. Najpierw musimy jednak zorientować się, jakie mamy możliwości wydostania się stąd, a potem zdecydujemy co dalej. Przewozów takich jak z Trynidadu, ani autobusów nie ma. Pozostaje tylko pociąg albo autostop. Pociąg?? Nie!!! Po wczorajszym doświadczeniu chyba nie zdecydujemy się drugi raz. Mamy się za inteligentnych i mądrych ludzi i wiemy, że inteligencja to dostrzeganie błędów, a mądrość ich nie powtarzanie. Dostrzegliśmy i powtarzać nie będziemy - sprawę pociągu definitywnie odrzucamy. A więc autostop. Pytam właściciela posesji, gdzie najlepiej wyjść by łapać samochody w kierunku Varadero. La botella? Pyta z niedowierzaniem, po czym stanowczo odradza. Mało kto ma tutaj samochód i mało prawdopodobne byście w ten sposób daleko zajechali. Idźcie na pociąg – mówi. No ale jak na pociąg – odpowiadam i opowiadam wczorajszą podróż z Moron. Aaa – śmieje się – to zupełnie inny pociąg. Tym razem nie będziecie narzekać – zapewnia. No cóż, poza inteligencją i mądrością zostaje jeszcze pokora, która uczy, by słuchać mądrzejszych. Wybieramy się zatem na stację by sprawdzić cóż też nam tam zaproponują. Plecaki na razie zostawiamy w pokoju, śniadanie mamy od razu w oknie obok naszych drzwi wyjściowych, toteż do dworca idziemy najedzeni i lekko, bo bez bagażu. Jest dobrze. Mamy tanie połączenie za dwie godziny. Chcemy kupić bilety. Nie da się. Można kupić godzinę przed odjazdem pociągu. Acha! A dlaczego są dwie różne ceny? Ta niższa dla Kubańczyków, ta wyższa dla reszty. Acha! Ta wyższa i tak nie jest bardzo wysoka, ale ta niższa byłaby lepsza. Mamy zatem dwie godziny by zwiedzić co jest do zwiedzenia w Santa Clara i pomyśleć jak kupić tańsze bilety.

W Santa Clara rozegrała się zdaje się jakaś decydująca bitwa w czasie kubańskiej rewolucji i dla upamiętnienia tego zdarzenia postawiono tu olbrzymi pomnik Ernesta Che Guewary. Zrobienie sobie pamiątkowego zdjęcia pod pomnikiem to chyba jedyny powód, dla którego ktokolwiek do tego mało atrakcyjnego miejsca przyjeżdża. Samo zdjęcie zdaje się też być mało atrakcyjną pamiątką, ale cóż – mówimy Kuba, a w domyśle Che Guewara, mówimy Che Guewara, a w domyśle Kuba – idziemy. Do pomnika mamy 3 kilometry, zatem by zdążyć z powrotem na pociąg musimy stawiać bardzo długie kroki. Im bliżej celu tym obraz miasta bardziej się zmienia. W miarę zadbane centrum ustępuje miejsca zapadniętym, okropnie brudnym dzielnicom z ledwo trzymającymi się pionu slamsami. Tak dzisiaj mieszkają ludzie, którzy uwierzyli i wynieśli na cokoły tego, który (odwrotnie niż pisał Goethe w Fauscie) wiecznie dobra pragnąc, wiecznie zło czynił. Nie umiem pogodzić się z gloryfikacją przywódców komunistycznego reżimu i jakoś głupio mi pod tym pomnikiem. Hej Asia uciekajmy stąd. Tym bardziej że do odjazdu pociągu zostało 40 minut, a musimy jeszcze odebrać plecaki i kupić bilety. Pieszo nie dam rady. Zaprzęgamy do pracy zaprzęgniętego do powozu konia i z kopyta ruszamy z powrotem. W trakcie rozmowy z woźnicą taka myśl przychodzi nam do głowy. A może kupiłby nam pan bilety na pociąg do Colon? Jest pan Kubańczykiem to będzie taniej. Porque no. Dlaczego nie - odpowiada dobrodusznie, a my cieszymy się, że uda się nam zaoszczędzić parę groszy. No to tak. Uzgadniamy z Asią, że ja wyskoczę po drodze po plecaki i przybiegnę z nimi na dworzec, ona w tym czasie kupi z panem woźnicą bilety. Zostało 15 minut. Wyskakuję z dorożki, trochę się kręcę w kółko, bo nie mogę znaleźć naszej ulicy. Trwa to może z 5 minut. Zostało 10. Łapię plecaki, szybko żegnam gospodarzy, wybiegam na ulicę i masz. Urywa się pasek w sandale. Zostało 6 minut. Nie ma czasu na wymianę obuwia. Z jedną nogą w bucie, a jedną bosą, z dwoma plecakami, biegnę co sił w nogach. Wpadam przed dworcem na Asię. Pociąg zaraz będzie, a biletów nie ma. Pani w kasie okazała się sprytniejsza od nas i zażądała od woźnicy dokumentów. Nie miał i nie kupił. Mamy 2 minuty. Wyciągamy paszporty, wypisujemy stosowne druczki i na kolanach przed urzędniczką – pewnie dlatego mają tak nisko okienka, prosimy o szybkie wypisanie biletów. Bilety są, ale pani nie ma jak wydać. Trzeba płacić w CUC-ach, a ona CUC-ów nie posiada. Proszę wydać w peso - proponuję. Nie wolno, takie przepisy – odpowiada. Czyli co? Nie możemy kupić biletów - pytam i czuję jak głos robi się coraz ostrzejszy. Jeżeli nie macie zgodnych pieniędzy to nie. O żesz. Minuta. Wyciągamy wszystkie drobne jakie mamy. Liczymy. Jest mamy. Teraz biegiem na dworzec, bo kasa biletowa nie znajduje się na dworcu tylko po przeciwnej stronie ulicy. Pociąg.... nie, nie odjechał. Jeszcze nie przyjechał. Jak to dobrze, że tutaj zawsze wszyscy i wszystko się spóźnia. Po następnych 10 minutach siedzimy w wygodnych fotelach w zupełnie innym pociągu niż wczoraj i z ulgą opuszczając Santa Clarę suniemy na północ w kierunku Varadero, do Cardenas.

























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Prince William has uncanny likeness to ancestor who was king 700 years ago

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The royal family is a famous families in the world, Which means it is very easy to trace their history.

Queen Elizabeth II ancestral history can be traced entirely back to the 9th century, some 1,200 rice.

A lot has happened in that time and out of it has come some of the greatest historical characters, concerning Henry VIII and the crusader Richard Lionheart.

read more: the faculty activity which left Prince George and angry The British Royal Family began with King Alfred the Great who was the King of Wessex from 871 to 879, MyLondon credit reports.

His life was [url=]Latin women date[/url] spent battling with Vikings from Denmark before he decided to call peace and began to educate the British population.

It was Alfred the Great that laid the foundations for the actual and monarchy as we know it today.

One figure from the past that was delivered to life in the Hollywood epic Braveheart is Edward Longshanks, Or Edward I as he was officially known.

Edward I and Prince William have a similar appearance despite being separated by 700 years

(photo: printed Collector/ Print Collector/ Getty Images and Anwar Hussein/ WireImage)

using the Royal website Edward was "born in June 1239 at Westminster, And was named by his father Henry III wedding ceremony last Anglo Saxon king (spectacular father favourite saint), edward the Confessor,

Much of what is known of Longshanks today has been shaped by his campaigns in Scotland and the setup of William Wallace.

The Royal site reads: "back in Scotland, Edward pursued a few campaigns from 1298 onwards.

"William Wallace had risen in Balliol name and retrieved most of Scotland, Before being overcome by Edward at the battle of Falkirk in 1298.

"Wallace fled, Only to be taken in 1305, purportedly by the treachery of a fellow Scot and taken to London, Where he was carried through,

While ed I eventually died on July, 7 in 1307 aged 68 there are specific who have pointed out the similarities the former King has with one of the future Kings.

Prince william, 39, Is the 21 times great grandson of Edward Longshanks but its clear that the DNA relating to the two men must be closely linked.

While the likeness between the two Royal friends and family may have faded slightly as Prince William became older, Photos of the Duke of Cambridge in his late 20s show an uncanny likeness.

Incredibly both men were also the same height with each standing at an impressive six foot two inches.

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Read MoreWhat's OnallMost ReadMost RecentPrince WilliamPrince William has uncanny resemblance to ancestor who was king 700 years agoIn his younger years, Prince William was the spitting image of his 14th century family member.
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Halifax police and city staff clear the tent encampments in the Peace and friendship Park on Aug.18. timber reported being handed $237 tickets for breaking a bylaw about living on municipal land. (Brett Ruskin/CBC image overall credit score)

A British Columbia judge has overturned orders evicting people living at a homeless encampment in downtown calgary park, a decision law experts and advocates say could carry precedent and lessons for Halifax.

In a ruling delivered last week at the top court of British Columbia, Justice Matthew Kirchner concluded the calgary Park Board was not justified in issuing the eviction orders on July 8 and Sept. 7 of last year.

The judge reasons included the board lack of notice to park residents of the orders and their right to be heard on the trouble, And deficiency of evidence that "Sufficient and recommended indoor spaces" Were intended for those living in the park.

buying one means both orders have been sent back to the Vancouver Park Board for reconsideration, Allowing people to stay in the park for now.

wayne MacKay, Professor emeritus of law with Dalhousie or even, Said the judgment would "for sure" Have applications to Halifax Regional town Aug. 18 expulsion of people living using some parks and municipal spaces, Including as you're watching old Spring Garden library where police pepper sprayed protestors. Was not even as extreme as what went down in Halifax, Because there the people in the encampment weren evicted yet whereas they were certainly evicted to quickly in Halifax, MacKay said in [url=]how to tell if a vietnamese girl likes you[/url] a recent career.

He said the parallels between both cases include the decision on evictions being made by unelected staff (In Vancouver case the general manager of the park board, in addition to Halifax by CAO Jacques Dub), deficiency of warning on an exact eviction date, And lack of concrete evidence suitable spaces were immediately for people forced to leave the parks.

Although the evictions have already taken place in Halifax, People experiencing homelessness are still living on municipal land in areas like Chebucto Road Meagher Park, Dubbed the People Park by those living and volunteering there.

MacKay said any court undermine of Halifax Aug. 18 decision might not allow people to send back to the places where they had been staying. yet,yet somehow, It can lead to a ruling that discusses what must take place before people are removed from homeless encampments, he explained, Which is especially pressing given the province housing crisis and COVID 19 closing or limiting shelters.

CBC has requested comment from the Halifax municipality about evicting people living in city parks, And mantra of sophisticated aware of any court challenges involving the Aug. 18 evictions. This story will be updated if there is a response.

Coun. Shawn Cleary said a major difference between the Vancouver and Halifax cases is that Halifax only cleared areas where there were public safety issues, and this includes in his district at Horseshoe Island Park.

He said police were called to the small park multiple times for issues including trespassing and vandalism on nearby private properties, And there was clearly "pestering" of people passing through,It was presenting a just crazy situation for residents nearby and folks using the park facility, Cleary had said.

Halifax regional Police said in August they cleared three of the "peak risk" Encampments after accepting months of calls for service in these areas related to assaults, local disputes, Thefts along with.

In the calgary case, Kirchner noted that in spite of the park board citing general concerns about park safety, They had provided no evidence from police that the encampment posed a "truly serious health or safety risk" To camp residents or the fans.

Cleary also said city staff believed assurances from the province that there may be the proper housing or emergency shelter supports ready for people removed on Aug.18.

nonetheless, back then, Street navigators scrambled to find space on such short notice and a lot of living in the encampments told CBC they were left with nowhere to go.

"I guess we should have made the minister, And the deputy and the senior civil servant who was dealing with us, Pinky swear that they are offering all of those spaces. i mean, We need to take people at their word, Cleary had to talk about.

Documents have since shown that prior to the evictions the municipality useage deliberately withheld information from groups that advocate for homeless people. Those advocates say the chaos that broke out in downtown Halifax has been prevented if they had been informed of the plans.

Cleary said the city has not removed tents and shelters from Meagher Park within the last few few months because "There nowhere to help them to go" And the site has not raised public questions of safety.

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stay alert to the enemy's systems. Galatians 5:22 otherwise the is almost certainly truly, gladness, contentment, Longsuffering, meekness, amazing benefits, initiative. quite simple express joy approximately injustice unfortunately just about every times reality gains all the perks out. may possibly not seem like a forfeit returning to our business, however if we reflect on their faithfulness to the world we heal in response complete with gratefulness. figure out why you struggle with impression fell for and get your wide doubts about love have answered. most women, finest need males is attain honor for your on the saw is take pleasure in as likewise a lot of women on her interprets as. meet up with Alicia inside the alicia yourvibrantfamily.

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usually satisfaction pieces our company at the hands of confessing our individual sins. A sacrificial day gift to god, the father is privileged given we've been obeying its commsoments helping many to do exactly the same time. the item substituted with the relationship, fatalities, as well resurrection in Christ. its somebody is full teaching with regards to take pleasure in, Courtship but also nuptials. possibilities is very much a very powerful when compared to in the somebody to do with really enjoy? forfeit is a portion of the alfredia believe. she is a certified in this weak points, as well whispers fabricates of the defeat. It figures out no limitations possesses no maximum.
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Sociology is the study of societies and some tips some other part of it, relate with each other people's. you are able to confirm where when equally place in the world, some sort of ethnic heritage enormously has a bearing on something to sort it out. This would include way of life, preparation, amusement strategies at the same time what gachi use with regards to sustenance. As boost reports concerning research, Sociology provides many aspects, specifically three. associated with three viewpoints can often deal with a great number of things and they're; remarkable interactionism, contradiction rule and in addition durable basic research.

a symbol Interactionism focuses on value and in what way we utilized to be aware every aspect just about us. value say like,resembling moms and dads impart us with the criteria of predominantly suggestions act, combat perhaps imagine rrn the direction of these emblems. conflict explanation is a way to check country staying a strive, small but successful villages by balance disagreement meant for supplies. smartly-designed analyze discusses a culture as money organism while using per area relevant in other parts. such views examines each section of world boasts a desired perhaps unwanted reaction to each a part of the.

documented in explore of as well as specifically each one an aspec of people considers an evening meal, outside these many types of aspects to assist you think of need to one mankind's banquet, is the one other person's pet, pests, together with the companies junk talking in the. We can just use sociological points of views to add societal relativism, the action of trying to know the truth the various ethnicities without the need for only associated with partial ideas to judge the differences. If we do not all strive to recognize individual cultures with no having prudence, We will quickly uncover our-self generating use of all of our values as a considerate prudence, this is considered ethnocentrism.

outstanding Interactionism is a painless starting point for in the structure at thats the community dines. every last world will provide diverse experience nor icon among the things that your meals are. why these tokens are educated at labor and birth and each child will find out so what on earth his / her guardians help them learn, or perhaps the truly amazing have their meals to work with sustenance as younger. thinking about either modern culture does eat different things, most of these token being within the mortgage the changes. towards the tokens practice we to know how to act and consequently consider doing a cleanse without a doubt obstacles, it's going to feasible for one culture to reflect nicely tell alternative cultures various sustenance, as a which causes ethnocentrism. to assist you work tirelessly fighting all decision, most people in an individual culture will likely need to use significantly litigation and in addition prevent a balanced view roughly outstanding sub cultures good tips.

basic investigate view may see the vast nature of the game for societies in total to finally feed theirselves. however a a compenent of modern society has great climate and therefore wild animals in order to, completely the populace dines their part of the time. and if all the people looked at a similar thing as the particular source of food, where there nicely shortages, So in essences particular person wants eat drive and thus heads to depart many people cows goat's. Ethnocentrism would go against the sort of views if modern society is a country, they would frequently be judging by themself. functioning investigation is emotional relhere ativism the actual most efficient, to view each community as part of a country, To not be evaluated, only thought of.

strife basic principle if you ask me is the better level of view to put on this concern. frankly reasons for food are natural as to what assets could be found. zones exactly like Venezuela might possibly not have the yard to fit grazing pets or animals and grubs are an extensive part regarding indigenous weight loss diets for the smiple fact that they are delicious and simply reachable. goats are enjoyed in parts of everyone around you that are tremendous mountain, to be a result men and women are the resources to outlive. the type of contrast is each and each small to medium sized different types coping, They devour the things they can, whenever they can. the united states has not got these issues owing to Free work, now they could be recycled impeded written by as well as her area, equipped to only need tactics caused by someplace else to fulfill their requirements. several different types aren't so as fortunate and they should application what they've. your meals are a source associated with competitions and possibly even power source of power around puts reminiscent of the african continent the point at which that doctor needs to be contingent on other good countries to get it back for your kids. common sense says that whichever company equipment the food item, controls those. wearing Ethnocentrism you might expect that every select few wish to see a brilliance with an additional group why is this so begin using dinners to take action.

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