Droga do Ekwadoru



Po trzech tygodniach wspólnej podróży po najpiękniejszych zakątkach Peru, odprowadzam Jennifer na lotnisko w Limie, bo jak wszystko co fajne się kiedyś kończy, tak i jej pobyt tutaj dobiegł końca. Cmok, cmok, do następnego razu, miłego lotu i już jest w chmurach, kierunek Europa. Ja zostaję w Limie i zostaję tu jeszcze jeden dzień, bo jutro znowu przyjdzie mi stać na lotnisku, tym razem jednak nie po to by żegnać, lecz po to by witać. Jutro przylatuje nie kto inny, jak czarna dama, w czarnym kapeluszu, której niespełna cztery miesiące temu wypatrywałem na limańskim rynku. Jutro przylatuje Asia. Tak bardzo się cieszę.

Jutro stało się dzisiaj. Skoro świt zasuwam na lotnisko. Samolot linii Iberia ląduje z kilkuminutowym opóźnieniem. Nie szkodzi. Czekam, przyglądam się wszystkim wychodzącym z hali odpraw twarzom. Jest. Dostrzegam z dala tę najbardziej uśmiechniętą. Ten sam uśmiech, ten sam kapelusz, ten sam plecak, wszystko takie samo, jak wtedy, gdy po raz pierwszy spotkaliśmy się w hostelu Espania. Powitaniom i uściskom zdaje się nie być końca, ale czas niestety goni. Mamy dla siebie siedem tygodni, a przed nami połowę Peru, cały Ekwador i część Kolumbii (Asia wylatuje z Bogoty), czyli trzeba się nieźle sprężać.

Zaczynamy nasze tourne oczywiście od La Merced. W zielonym, położonym u wrót dżungli miasteczku, do którego przez sześć miesięcy zdążyłem tak bardzo przywyknąć, spędzamy jeszcze tydzień. W tym czasie nie tylko pakujemy auto i przygotowywujemy się do dalszej wędrówki, ale (dla mnie to już bodajże czwarty raz) zwiedzamy wodospady Perene, odwiedzamy Indian Ashaninka, wjeżdżamy na rowerze do dżungli, przyglądamy się zbiorom i suszeniu kawy, spędzamy dzień w centrum, na przekolorowym targowisku, bawiamy się z żyjącymi u dzikiego Mietka zwięrzętami (małpy, żółwie, papugi, mrówkojeże i co tam jeszcze). Jedna z takich zabaw, polegająca na trzymaniu zwierzaka na ramieniu kończy się nagle, niezbyt przyjemnie i trochę śmierdząco. Potem śmiechu było co nie miara. Pokazuję też Asi plantację bananów, na której swego czasu kosiłem trawę i domek, a właściwie to co po nim zostało po nocnym ataku rzeki. Jednym słowem wszystko to, co przez ostatnie pół roku było dla mnie codziennością.

W sobotę 16 maja jesteśmy spakowani i gotowi do dalszej podróży. Pozostaje jedynie wyjechać samochodem z przyczepką, z położonego w dole nad rzeką ogrodu, na główną drogę. Tak jak mi się wydawało osiem miesięcy temu (gdy zjeżdżałem w dół), nie będzie to takie proste. Stanąłem samochodem na podjeździe, dokładnie w połowie i ani nie mogę więcej pociągnąć do przodu, bo za stromo, ani zsunąć się w tył, bo przyczepka tak się wykręciła, że stanęła w pół koła nad urwiskiem. No to klops. Na dodatek zrobiło się ciemno i zaczeło padać więc podjazd nie dość, że stromy to jeszcze zrobił się śliski. Nawet wypakowanie całej przyczepki na niewiele się zdało. Jedyne co w tej sytuacji wiemy to tyle, że już dzisiaj na pewno nie wyjedziemy. Próbujemy zatrzymywać przejeżdżające ciężarówki, mając nadzieją, że któraś nas wyciągnie, niestety bez skutku. Dopiero Vanesa wpada na koncept, by zapytać na sąsiedniej stacji benzynowej, kilkanście metrów obok, czy nie podjechaliby stojącą tam cysterną. Idę. Pytam. Podjechaliby. W niecałe pół godziny cysterna, wyrywając mi trochę błotnika, wyciąga auto na górę i wszyscy oddychamy z ulgą, a kierowca i zarazem ajent stacji benzynowej wypija chłodne, podane przeze mnie piwo. Teraz to już całkowicie jesteśmy gotowi do wyjazdu, który z racji powyższych przygód odkładamy do jutra rana.

Rankiem, które przekształciło się w południe żegnamy się z Mietkiem, jego żoną Vanesą, dziećmi, z domem nad rzeką Chanchamayo, z La Merced i naciskając na klakson odjeżdżamy w kierunku Limy. Do przekroczenia granicy (liczy się 90 dni od daty wjazdu) zostaje nam siedem dni, więc mamy mnóstwo czasu. Teraz musimy się jednak pospieszyć, bo koniecznie chcemy zdążyć przed wieczorem do Limy do fontannowych ogrodów, które czynne są tylko w weekendy, a przed nami, jak pamiętacie, do pokonania 5 tys. wzniesienie Ticklo. Pod górkę idzie, a raczej jedzie się sprawnie i w miarę szybko. Natomiast zjazd blokowany przez setki hamujących ciężarówek zaczyna się ślimaczyć do tego stopnia, że wyprzedzam prawie stojącą ciężarówkę na ciągłej linii i... za zakrętem stali. A jakżeby inaczej. Stali i pomachali. Zjeżdżam na bok i zaczynam pertraktować wysokość mandatu. Zauroczona widokami, jakie roztaczają się na 5 tys. metrów mina Asi najpierw trochę gaśnie, a potem znowu rozjaśnia zadziwiona, w jaki sposób, znając kilka hiszpańskich słów, udaje mi się obniżyć proponowany mandat z 400 do...20 soli czyli około 6 euro. Udało się, co nie znaczy, że pochwalam i mam w zwyczaju wyprzedzanie na ciągłej linii. Nie. Jadąc jednak z 5.000 do 0 m.n.p.m, cały czas za ledwo toczącą się ciężarówką, spaliłbym hamulce na amen więc się trochę usprawiedliwiam.
Do Limy docieramy krótko przed zapadnięciem zmroku. Przy ogrodach z fonntannami cudem znajdujemy parking, mieszczący samochód z przyczepką. Robimy przerwę na długi spacer wśród przecudnych, kolorowych, romantycznych fontann i przed północą ruszamy dalej, do najbliższej stacji benzynowej na nocleg.

Następnego dnia po śniadaniu (dla Asi pierwszego w przydrożnych warunkach) droga prowadzi do znanego mi już ze styczniowej podróży, najstarszego peruwiańskiego czy nawet amerykańskiego (a może i światowego) miasta Caral. Jako, że znam drogę, dosyć szybko udaje nam się znaleźć parking, zwiedzić to, co pozostało z jak widać olbrzymiego miasta sprzed 5000-cy lat, nasycić się spokojem i błogim życiem mieszkańców pobliskiej osady (również o nazwie Caral – patrz. Art. Caral). Po południu ruszamy dalej, a Asia przejmuje od tej pory rolę przewodnika. Czyta przewodniki i szuka co po drodze warto zobaczyć, a ja koncentruję się na mapie i drodze. Już po paru kilometrach Asia zarządza skręt z Panamerykany w kierunku najwyższego peruwianskiego pasma górskiego Sierra Blanca i jego stolicy Huaraz – w polskim przewodniku zwanym peruwianskim Zakopanem. Długo trwało, zanim w żarze upalnego słońca, potem w prześlicznym blasku jego zachodu i w końcu po jego całkowitym zniknięciu, pokonaliśmy dziesiątki, jak nie setki serpentyn, by w środku nocy zaparkować na nocleg na stacji około 20 km przed Huaraz. Szybko kładziemy się spać, bo po pierwsze długa jazda przez góry bardzo nas wyczerpała, a po drugie mamy zamiar jutro spenetrować okolicę pieszo więc trzeba szybko i dobrze odpocząć. Jak przeżyliśmy wędrówkę i co zobaczyliśmy pod peruwiańskim Giewontem opiszę w następnym rozdziale, a my tymczasem ruszamy dalej na północ w kierunku porzuconej przedwczoraj Panamerykany. To co widzimy przez okna, wspinając się samochodem znowu na ponad 4.000 metrów, jest nie do opisania. Jedno czy dwa zdjęcia oddadzą tylko w zalążku piękno otaczającego nas zewsząd krajobrazu. Białe szczyty (stąd nazwa Cordylliera Blanca – Białe Góry), sięgające prawie 7.000 m.n.p.m, otulające dolinę i miasteczko Huaraz i my patrzący na to z wysokości 4.000 metrów to tak jednorazowe przeżycie, że chciałoby się zatrzymać je jak najdłużej. Co chwilę się zatrzymujemy, patrzymy, robimy parę zdjęć, jedziemy do następnego zakrętu i znowu nowy widok i znowu się zatrzymujemy, patrzymy, robimy parę zdjęć i tak przez cały dzień, aż białe szczyty znikają za horyzontem. Zjazd ciągnie się tak samo długo jak dwa dni temu podjazd, z tą różnicą, że teraz jedziemy w dzień i możemy go sobie uatrakcyjnić. Zabieramy na stopa grupę dzieciaków wracającą ze szkoły. Oni tak codziennie pieszo 7 km do szkoły pod górę i 7 z powrotem. Teraz nie dziwię się statystykom, które mówią o 10-cio procentowym analfabetyźmie w Peru. Wtórny analfabetyzm jest pewnie sporo wyższy. Gotujemy przy drodze obiad. A nawet zatrzymujemy się na mycie włosów. Zjechawszy do Panamerykany jak zwykle szukamy przyzwoitego miejsca na nocleg, by jutro skoro świt wyruszyć w kierunku Trujillo.

Piąty dzień podróży do Ekwadoru rozpoczeliśmy jak zwykle wykwintnym śniadaniem tzn. bułką z dżemem i kawą. Jesteśmy kilkanaście kilometrów przed Trujillo (czyt. Truhijo). Trujillo to spore miasto, jedno z większych w tej części Peru i jak przestrzegają ludzie, a i piszą przewodniki, jedno z najniebezpieczniejszych – cokolwiek miałoby to znaczyć. Nie wiem dlaczego, ale jak człowiek się nasłucha albo naczyta takich bzdetów to potem podświadomie zaczyna się bać, rozglądać i zachowywać nienaturalnie, zwracając na siebie tym większą uwagę. Normalnie wjeżdżamy do centum, stawiamy auto na parkingu pod sklepem, Asia robi zakupy, bo w lodówce pustki, wraca cała i zdrowa z pełnymi siatkami. Przejeżdżamy przez kolejne dzielnice „niebezpiecznego” miasta, by wydostać się na Panamerykanę i nikt nas nie goni, nikt nas nie napada, nikt za nami nie strzela. Może mamy szczęście, może mamy dobrą opiekę, a może z tym straszeniem w przewodnikach to trochę przesada – na zasadzie „strzeżonego Pan Bóg strzeże”. A może wszystkiego po trochu?. Tak czy siak wyjeżdżamy cali i zdrowi i za chwilę pędząc (70km/h haha – oszczędzam paliwo) dojeżdżamy do Chiclayo cudnego miasteczka nad Pacyfikiem. Tak cudnego, że grzechem byłoby nie zatrzymać się . Przynajmniej trochę poplażować, popluskać no i przede wszystkim popatrzeć na błękit, turkus, seledyn i inne odcienie błyszczącego się w słońcu oceanu. Po paru miesiącach mieszkania w dżungli mam dość zieleni w każdym jej odcieniu. Piasek i morze to przyjemna odmiana.

Asia, jako przewodniczka, obiecuje, że po drodze jeszcze zdążymy zatrzymać się na innych plażach. Tymczasem musimy jechać dalej. Dojeżdżamy do przydrożnej wioski Pina, w której jako, że wioska malownicza, a i zdaje się być w niej właśnie jakiś festyn, urządzamy sobie przedkolacyjny spacer i ... w trakcie spaceru, jakby Peru chciało pożegnać się z nami jak najsłodziej, trafiamy na budkę z pysznymi peruwiańskimi przysmakami - picarone polane miodem. Palce lizać – dosłownie, bo miód leje nam się po brodach, palcach i nogach. Po kolacji jedziemy jeszcze kawałek. Szybko mijamy Talarę, centrum wydobycia ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego. Pisze dlatego, że szybko mijamy, bo nie dość, że krajobraz baniaty, dookoła ciągną sie rury z ropą i gazem, to jeszcze tak śmierdzi, że cały czas zdaje mi się, że mam nieszczelną instalację gazową w aucie, co wprowadza mnie w pewien dyskomfort i kilka razy się zatrzymuję, by się upewnić, czy to aby nie gaz w samochodzie się ulatnia. Wyjeżdżamy w końcu poza strefę brzydkich zapachów i już spokojni, że nic nam nie wybuchnie zasypiamy na jakimś parkingu.

Następny dzień, to nasz ostatni dzień w Peru. Jutro kończy się wiza, a wiec dziś, żeby nie było żadnych niespodzianek, należy dojechać do granicy. Mamy już niedaleko, także spokojnie, nawet z przerwami zdążymy. Najpierw Asia planuje dłuższą przerwę na śniadanie w Narodowym Parku Cerros de Amotape. Wjeżdżamy, lecz niestety wnet się orientujemy, że tą leśną, dziurawą scieżką nie mamy szans zajechać zbyt daleko. Jedziemy dokąd się da. Na końcu tego dokąd się dało stajemy i robimy śniadaniowy piknik. W środku parku, przy głośnych trelach ptaków, przy prześwitujących przez palmowe liście porannych promieniach słońca, śniadanie smakuje wyśmienicie. Po śniadaniu sok ze świeżych pomarańczy, chwila przerwy i możemy jechać dalej. Wracamy z parku do miniętej parę kilometrów wcześniej, uroczej rybackiej wioski - a może to już miasteczko, a nie wioska? Takie małe to to nie jest. Manacoca, bo o niej mowa, rozciąga się wzdłuż złocistej plaży, a my tyle czasu, że możemy tu zostać nawet pół dnia. Zostajemy. Pół dnia złotego słońca, przyjemnego chłodnego morza, gorącego piasku i błękitnego nieba – Jackowski twierdził, że nic więcej do szczęścia nie trzeba – miał rację. Leżąc na plaży w Manacocoa tuż przed północną granicą Peru żegnam się w myślach z państwem Inków, w którym przeżyłem ponad pół roku. Byłem w jego trzech strefach klimatycznych, zwiedziłem najwspanialsze zabytki kultury, poznałem mnóstwo wspaniałych ludzi, widziałem zwierzęta, o których istnieniu nie miałem pojęcia, zszedłem do najgłębszego na świecie kanionu, jechałem tuktukiem, ścinałem bananowce, jadłem ceviche i robiłem mnóstwo innych rzeczy, ale nie jadłem świnek morskich – tradycyjnej peruwiańskiej potrawy. Wcale tego nie żałuję.

Tambes, ostatnie miasto Peru, kończy pustynny krajobraz. Coraz mniej przy drodze kaktusów, a coraz więcej bujnej, soczystej zieleni. Znaczy się Ekwador tuż tuż.






































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~BKI89yAcubs, 10-12-2019
Throw three points seriously isn't the whole garage daily work, and don't forget about, Stephen curry is the actual team in assists and also steals, he averaged 6. 7 assists from the regular season, 14 in the league and the playoffs stephen curry shoes is averaging 9. 3 assists for the reason that league the first! Let's imagine an image, 40 minutes per game inside the Treasury, attack launched a large number of times, there are always many ball he wasn't in the outside, but the basketball inside, attracted a double... What will happen next? There was a man the guy can tell you the solution, curry shoes he called clay -- Thompson, from the older state warriors, he made this season 211 3-pointers, finished third in the league, and that 211 3-pointers, 68 comes from the assists of Stephen curry.

12-13 season to contrast the garage and ray Allen throughout '05 -' 06 -- Allen into 269 3-pointers, and he could be the Seattle supersonics. Which year, Allen's 269 of 653 three-point shots, chance 41. 2%, as Stephen - 272 of 600 images in his Arsenal, often 45. 3%; That yr, Alan ball attack build 3 ratio is under a quarter, compared using 38. 6% in data bank; That year, Allen's assists the phone number 3. 7, less compared to Treasury for three assists. So the outline, the image of an alternative 3-pointers hand decrease the garage outline: he not merely completed the sharpshooter qualifications, his teammates for his or her creation of free-throw options into; He will also look for opportunities while doing so, through the ball development, stopped for no helps 3-pointer of shots. Moreover, he also can move assists, "create" another glass pitcher - clay - Thompson! Not only can catch vote, will even urgent stopped, can produce more opportunities to others, this star, unique! I am kd shoes afraid, just use "striker" two words are actually unable to define Stephen curry, also have to be in with some sort of "great" rhetoric.

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~BKI89yAcubs, 10-12-2019
Garage beneath stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the start the left side from the body without any slowdown, his / her footsteps choiceness and fast, soon arrived at the position you want to go. Unlike most pitcher like the midst of gravity down, then struggled to jump to try and do, the garage action additional concise. Don't waste any time and energy, just jump off the bottom, slightly triggered his capturing action instantly. "He is not only just about the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to produce the definition, the whole shooting art played a new revolutionary role. "The bobcats go scout work Adam : Mr Libby said Treasury.

Kitchen counter frames in 6 units and 31 seconds, garage from his upper body slightly next point position held up the ball, the index finger along with middle finger instinct to uncover gaps in the plastic ball center. His arm gently lifted back, quit his palm the golf ball, but still control in between his fingers. His right arm into all the joints is close for you to 90 degree Angle, through the shoulder to the shoulder, from the elbow towards wrist, from wrist to consider, as if a cafe waiter in carrying any tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound ahead, curry shoes need to speed up their action from the Treasury, since the childhood to lay an excellent foundation for complete to garage in any state, the right arm and shooting will keep perfect posture and strength. And in addition to master hand movements, garage has a precise shot needed a different factor: enough deep muscles memory. Shooting touch isn't a proper adjective, a single player, able to throw a good shooting there is nevertheless one secret to all - 7 days a week, year after year process, until a set involving complex dynamic chain implanted into your muscles. Garage never resist like monks meditate boring training, it also helped whenever he graduated from secondary school, eventually grow into some other leading little-known Davidson college or university NCAA elite last eight.

"Game changing, there is no time to kevin durant shoes you approach your own shooting steps is correct, " curry claimed, "you can only count on their daily at working out ground building muscle storage, hit and believe that any of us can. We're so lots of practice in training, so as to the game, you can depend on instinct to react. But if it is not in the correct way, the game will sense very strange. ".

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~BKI89yAcubs, 17-10-2019
"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry recalled,kevin durant shoes "people said I seemed to be too short, don't engage in college basketball, then with the same reason that I can't play in the NBA. People do not think I can play safeguard, then said I am not really a pure point guard, until October of a year ago, I also found how the general manager of funny to me as the league 3rd good shooting guard. I've got not yet fully perform their full potential, so i set a higher common to himself, committed to continuously improve to be more outstanding. "

"We've never met you are not curry shoes him so great shooting in all directions, " warriors coach level Jackson said, "and spin, stop and go empty-handed, hook hand, step back, calf, in the face regarding two double forced to be able to......, any thought of taking pictures mode, you can see he is astonishingly. We have never seen anyone can accomplish this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a superior level, the two-time MVP honor, shooting is incredible, but it's also a level. And the other like reggie cooper, Chris mullin, such while dell and I enjoyed together - Ellis, dell -- Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but these people didn't garage so thorough, this guy is not any limit. "

Timer and dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes as well as 30 seconds, Davis has been doing everything we can to close to the garage, but still past due step. Garage again to finish a beautiful jumper - it isn't really strictly jumper, his toe will be out of the ground, under the condition on the body is still increasing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to try and do the hand. Treasury entire body slightly back. This not only makes his moves even more difficult to block, as well as involving the ball and floor to have an additional 10 degrees Angle. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds usually, the garage from arranging action to dial this ball moves, it solely takes 0. 4 a few moments. Fast to make up with the deficiency of the garage height, the ball well prevent the opponent blocking fly toward the basket in the act, the look of garage is obviously along with them. His arm still moves once the posture, and of his or her teammates has begun to pose three gestures...

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~BKI89yAcubs, 17-10-2019
Finals very last season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes isn't very ideal, although the data well, but the efficiency isn't high, and his again pass error, defensive irvine was manufactured key 3 points are becoming a "black spots" minute, apparently, in hope that in this to prove himself.

Zero, after the opening, the three points from the database and didn't reach two shots, on this contrary, the knight three points would hit a lot of over there. Garage or focus on defense, he para which include lebron, Irwin, JR., has been people already, also have successful prevention.

In transferring, did well in the particular Treasury, the ball to your teammate are fed correctly, but Mr Chu in many opportunity attack. 04 seconds left in the first quarter, garage dribble on the frontcourt, rhythm, but they are confident the take a few steps away from the three-point line and it's necessary to make curry shoes goes, the ball! This can also be the warriors in the very first 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances about the right side of the beds base again in a 3 things!

It is worth mentioning how the opening, the garage appropriate arm was wearing a black gear, it is usually because his right elbow in the game before the old injury has a relapse, however, with the action, he has to take off protective devices. Gear, it appears, has affected the manage, before he took off after i feel much better.

Throughout against lebron James, the defense is progressing very well in his Arsenal, but after he was lebron was an adolescent knocked out, the referee provides stephen curry shoes blown the garage preventing foul, garage on the floor is various, make action towards referee said lebron shoulder.

In breakthrough, garage can be a difficult moves, lots of people all the technique up his defense, which includes lebron, but Treasury first in all sorts of dazzling dribble move Thompson, right after air and rival crash cases, the hard to help score.

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~BKI89yAcubs, 03-08-2019
Finals last season, Arsenal's performance kd shoes isn't very ideal, although the results well, but the efficiency is not high, and his returning pass error, defensive irvine was built key 3 points are becoming a "black spots" second, apparently, in hope that on this to prove himself.

No, after the opening, the three points in the database and didn't struck two shots, on the particular contrary, the knight three points would hit numerous over there. Garage or target defense, he para which includes lebron, Irwin, JR., has been people already, also get successful prevention.

In passing, did well in your Treasury, the ball to some teammate are fed effectively, but Mr Chu in several opportunity attack. 04 seconds left inside the first quarter, garage dribble to the frontcourt, rhythm, but he could be confident the take several steps away from the three-point line and it's necessary to make curry shoes moves, the ball! This is additionally the warriors in the first 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances about the right side of the camp again in a 3 items!

It is worth mentioning the opening, the garage appropriate arm was wearing the black gear, it is also because his right elbow within the game before the old injury includes a relapse, however, with the game, he has to pull off protective devices. Gear, it appears, has affected the manage, before he took off when i feel much better.

Throughout against lebron James, the defense does very well in their Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a knocked out, the referee features stephen curry shoes blown the garage obstructing foul, garage on the floor is various, make action towards referee said lebron elbow.

In breakthrough, garage is additionally a difficult moves, many people all the method up his defense, including lebron, but Treasury first in many dazzling dribble move Thompson, right after air and rival accident cases, the hard to score.

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~BKI89yAcubs, 03-08-2019
Knight's strategy clearly, today is in order to cling to garage, don't give him any opportunity, and Kevin durant is always one on one with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive seek out opportunities, such as face stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, use the other fear his circumference ability garage easily obtained two points.

The last 80 seconds in the first half, durant had missed shots from outside, this basket three players are usually knights, including Thompson, lebron, consequently, the Treasury rushed into your basket from the very long position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds within the knight encirclement! Then he or she points ball durant, who finished scores!

And the 2nd half, knight to defensive strategy appears to be shaken, they don't have an excessive amount double again, help, interestingly, JR in 1 upon 1 against Arsenal, and directly put the actual garage was pushed towards ground.

Sure enough, your knight defensive shaken curry shoes right after scoring started rising inside his Arsenal, outside their 3-pointer by continuous, during that time he was given the opportunity to just like Kevin durant got chance in the first half. After three points within the database is still hit, he this section one bomb beneath 14 points.

Today is usually June 1, the time kd shoes may be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is one of the holiday today.

Small garage finish I rested almost all of the holiday to battle, they are still the contribution for the brilliant stroke, but additionally pass a 3-pointer by means of Kevin durant. The previous 3 minutes, garage off prior to schedule, because the online game had no suspense.

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~BKI89yAcubs, 28-07-2019
Finals very last season, Arsenal's performance kevin durant shoes just isn't very ideal, although the info well, but the efficiency is not high, and his rear pass error, defensive irvine was built key 3 points are becoming a "black spots" instant, apparently, in hope that within this to prove himself.

Not any, after the opening, the three points from the database and didn't attack two shots, on your contrary, the knight a few points would hit many over there. Garage or consentrate on defense, he para as well as lebron, Irwin, JR., have been people already, also include successful prevention.

In passing, did well in the particular Treasury, the ball with a teammate are fed correctly, but Mr Chu in several opportunity attack. 04 seconds left in the first quarter, garage dribble to the frontcourt, rhythm, but they are confident the take some steps away from the three-point line and it's really necessary to make curry shoes movements, the ball! This can also be the warriors in the initial 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances on the right side of the beds base again in a 3 points!

It is worth mentioning how the opening, the garage correct arm was wearing a black gear, it is additionally because his right elbow in the game before the old injury features a relapse, however, with the overall game, he has to take off protective devices. Gear, it appears, has affected the handle, before he took off when i feel much better.

In against lebron James, the defense has been doing very well in his or her Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a young knocked out, the referee features stephen curry shoes blown the garage obstructing foul, garage on the ground is various, make action on the referee said lebron elbow.

In breakthrough, garage can be a difficult moves, all sorts of people all the way up his defense, which include lebron, but Treasury first in a myriad of dazzling dribble move Thompson, following air and rival impact cases, the hard in order to score.

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~BKI89yAcubs, 28-07-2019
Like a core point guard, garage along with other three split the difference is that she is the team sponsor and organizer. In additional words, he can't be similar to novak on the perimeter around expecting kd shoes someone else to offer him the ball. We take novak with a comparison, everything also - reference counted for people like us each a 3-pointer aids objects, and to period, after statistics, novak found there is much surprise hit 3-pointers, 149, 146 is often a teammate's pass and strike; Three-point shots hit the 2nd more this season Ryan - Anderson isn't a exception, he hit curry shoes within 213, has 206 will depend on your friend's passing.

The garage He the many 3-pointer this season, you can find 105 of 3 is not sending (272), in other words, is to create possibilities, nasty sto vote. This trick inside team's star, such because flow of harden, vladimir radmanovic, kobe Bryant, Paul, but often because someone errs, physical strength use, to the number of that time period few, and the hit ratio is not high. But obviously is surely an exception in the Treasury, his three-point shot 105 times isn't assists quantity highest within alliance,stephen curry shoes even better when compared with lebron James thrown directly into more all 3-pointers, and also the shooting is in a league all five like not assists free-throw shooting players on the fifth (41. 8%), equally quality and quantity. Considered together, the three points to help thrown into space is just not an easy thing, need to have the forty percent three-point shots have to create his own pictures, this how tired! By far the most precious is, no make any difference when and where, and learning to make moves, garage has a superior percentage. It is no wonder which the manager of the a warrior when Bob myers not long ago told the Associated Mass media said: "as long because it's garage, to receive the ball is reasonable. ".

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~BKI89yAcubs, 27-07-2019
Garage beneath the stephen curry shoes second dribbling is toward the turn on the left side in the body without any slowdown, his or her footsteps choiceness and rapidly, soon arrived at the position you wish to go. Unlike most pitcher like the biggest market of gravity down, then struggled to jump to complete, the garage action a lot more concise. Don't waste any wedding ceremony, just jump off the ground, slightly triggered his capturing action instantly. "He is not only the most pure great scorer, he even gave shot two words to make the definition, the entire shooting art played any revolutionary role. "The bobcats brain scout work Adam : Mr Libby said Treasury.

Table frames in 6 units and 31 seconds, garage from his chest muscles slightly next point position organized the ball, the index finger and middle finger instinct to get gaps in the plastic ball center. His arm gently lifted back, left his palm the baseball, but still control among his fingers. His right arm into all of the joints is close to help 90 degree Angle, from the shoulder to the elbow, from the elbow to the wrist, from wrist to make reference to, as if a cafe waiter in carrying a tray.

Glen Davis clippers, 289 - pound in front, curry shoes need to speed up their action within the Treasury, since the childhood to lay a great foundation for complete to garage in any state, the right arm and shooting will keep perfect posture and durability. And in addition to perfect hand movements, garage incorporates a precise shot needed one more factor: enough deep muscles memory. Shooting touch isn't a proper adjective, anyone player, able to throw a fantastic shooting there is although one secret to all - year after year, year after year training, until a set involving complex dynamic chain implanted into yourself physically. Garage never resist such as monks meditate boring practice, it also helped any time he graduated from high school, eventually grow into another leading little-known Davidson higher education NCAA elite last seven.

"Game changing, there is no time to kevin durant shoes you consider your own shooting motion is correct, " curry explained, "you can only depend upon their daily at it ground building muscle memory space, hit and believe that people can. We're so many practice in training, so that you can the game, you can depend upon instinct to react. But if it is not correctly, the game will experience very strange. ".

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~BKI89yAcubs, 28-06-2019
A couple steals in his Arsenal, stephen curry shoes in the first 1 fourth, and the two steals to garage a complete of 106 times in the playoffs career steals, which usually transcends the rick Barry, became the steals from the history of the warriors team inside the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside the game, this also let his / her playoff three-pointers hit number up to 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff heritage list. Distance comes eighth Chauncey billups, he furthermore only six three details.

37 points in solely three games, came curry shoes alive, and this is his in 2010, including playoffs) 9th score 35 + video game with three alone, over 7 times of Russell westbrook, the top league.

So many record the initial world war, there is no doubt which the game can be reported to be the garage in this series played the most effective game. The first a few games, garage is averaging 35. 3 points and several. 7 rebounds, 6 allows, shooting 40. 3% in addition to 35. 3% from 3, compared with the standard season shooting stage, a specific degree of decline, but the game, garage completely crazy. The blazers in many players to hound them, but no one can disturb his rhythm. Shed, as it were, in the game again to learn "day day" feeling.

11 three-point line out hand, hit kd shoes more effective goals, including vast miles of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting inside stands to watch this old garage, it also appears to get son's playing god are most often some incredible performance. The lens to the old garage, he could not help but shook his / her head.

Of course, regardless of what other people think, garage three points for his or her own performance with overall confidence. In the finally quarter the warriors having 88-58 big lead the actual blazers, garage outside your three-point line again, the ball faraway from the one hand, he / she turned back field, the ball firmly into the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points with this state, the other bash can say what?

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But today the warriors with the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen curry shoes to find the rhythm. Actually, today more often than not was clay - Thompson The almighty Owen, although Owen hit a dead when in front of him, but clay height reach or to a certain degree, limits the Owen's attack. In only a few times facing single singled out inside his Arsenal, although Owen features good performance, but also it's hard an extra chance for a knight.

Full play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists in the Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kevin durant shoes pictures. 24 points and 3 rebounds, 2 assists, Owen has scored 17 points inside first half, he scored seven points within the second half. Facing the big four from the mighty, and only Jordan Owen in one-on-one gain garage have chances, but today's garage to do better.

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Zero, after the opening, the three points in the database and didn't struck two shots, on your contrary, the knight 3 points would hit numerous over there. Garage or target defense, he para which include lebron, Irwin, JR., have been people already, also have successful prevention.

In moving past, did well in the actual Treasury, the ball to a teammate are fed appropriately, but Mr Chu in lots of opportunity attack. 04 seconds left in the first quarter, garage dribble to the frontcourt, rhythm, but they are confident the take a couple of steps away from the three-point line and it's necessary to make curry shoes moves, the ball! This is additionally the warriors in the initial 3-pointer today. Soon, the Treasury and using second chances for the right side of the camp again in a 3 details!

It is worth mentioning the opening, the garage appropriate arm was wearing the black gear, it is usually because his right elbow inside the game before the old injury incorporates a relapse, however, with the overall game, he has to lift off protective devices. Gear, it appears, has affected the deal with, before he took off as i feel much better.

With against lebron James, the defense is performing very well in his or her Arsenal, but after he was lebron was a young knocked out, the referee offers stephen curry shoes blown the garage preventing foul, garage on the soil is various, make action towards referee said lebron elbow.

In breakthrough, garage is additionally a difficult moves, all kinds of people all the means up his defense, as well as lebron, but Treasury first in all kinds of dazzling dribble move Thompson, following air and rival wreck cases, the hard to help score.

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~BKI89yAcubs, 09-06-2019
Following a brought the first curry shoes golf ball, a garage at this match: each other presented a perfect diamond front, teammate Steve Blake flew that you follow up, left the clippers guard darren collison (microblogging) the gap between two steps at the rear of their closely, Danny granger could be the only defender in pull. This is the shed superior court intuition and understanding that embodies: his shot collection. He seems to comprehend the defensive player in the ideas, can predict the next move, then strike in advance. "When other people tend to be doing gesture, garage inside judgment, and the video game, this is Stephen is best place, in this respect this league may be the best. Find field space, know where the defense space will happen, it is the key from the art of his photos. Because no matter exactly how good your shots, much more exquisite technology, no place is useless. "ESPN's David thorpe, once wrote within his article.

Garage with great care stephen curry shoes observing the defense, he likewise have reason to be consequently cautious. Before this, the warriors have had missed 12 goals in 13 shots during the past, is now 33 to be able to 37 behind the clippers, disturbed through the right leg muscle strain of garage after just one of 4. For car port himself, this ball is very important: before a season, he hit accurate documentation in NBA history along with 272 grains of about three points, if again recognized three points today, his three points shock as to hit number will meet or exceed 200 mark. So that library will end up the sixth in a row has at the least two season hit two hundred grains of three players, at the same time period, still can have about three points to continuous hit game streak keep 54 games - it's going to be the warriors team record record.

"I like everything kevin durant shoes relevant to the shooting, " garage once said within an interview, "but with the most especially in perfect hand posture. When your is in good rhythm, from standing in the feet on the ground, his hands to complete an attempt, all series of joint actions will be calm and smooth, similar to waves. It's a amazing feeling. ".

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~BKI89yAcubs, 09-05-2019
A couple of steals in his Arsenal, stephen curry shoes in the first one fourth, and the two steals to garage earnings of 106 times inside the playoffs career steals, which often transcends the rick Barry, became the steals within the history of the warriors team from the playoffs.

Garage into seven three-pointers inside the game, this also let his or her playoff three-pointers hit number nearly 261, match the Robert horry, 9th three points in playoff background list. Distance comes eighth Chauncey billups, he in addition only six three things.

37 points in solely three games, came curry shoes to life, and this is his shock as to, including playoffs) 9th score 35 + video game with three alone, a lot more than 7 times of Russell westbrook, the surface of the league.

So many record the initial world war, there is no doubt that the game can be considered to be the garage in this series played the most beneficial game. The first about three games, garage is averaging 35. 3 points and several. 7 rebounds, 6 assists, shooting 40. 3% as well as 35. 3% from three, compared with the standard season shooting stage, a specific degree of decline, but the game, garage completely ridiculous. The blazers in various players to hound them, but no one could disturb his rhythm. Storage area, as it were, in the game again to uncover "day day" feeling.

11 three-point brand out hand, hit kd shoes eight goals, including vast distances of three points. Wearing warriors baseball hat sitting in the stands to watch the actual old garage, it also appears to own son's playing god seem to be some incredible performance. The lens to the old garage, he cannot help but shook his or her head.

Of course, regardless of other people think, garage three points for own performance with overall confidence. In the finally quarter the warriors along with 88-58 big lead the actual blazers, garage outside your three-point line again, the ball faraway from the one hand, he / she turned back field, the ball firmly to the basket, the whole upheaval. Can put the three points with this state, the other gathering can say what?

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Half-court done,stephen curry shoes the garage 12 points and 4 rebounds 6 allows, Owen 17 rebounds, 2 assists 1 has the upper hand slightly. But as knight defeat inside second half, even his one-on-one hit his points. In this series, OuWenBen needs to have certain advantages in counterpoint, just like the finals last year, because season of Christmas conflicts, with their strong personal fortunes turned.

But today the warriors on the changes, let knights staggered, also let like one-on-one hit Owen asics shoes to obtain the rhythm. Actually, today more often than not was clay - Thompson The almighty Owen, although Owen hit a dead looking at him, but clay height reach or to some extent, limits the Owen's attack. In only a few times in the face of single singled out within his Arsenal, although Owen features good performance, but also it's hard to come back for a knight.

Full play, scored 28 points 6 rebounds and 10 assists inside the Treasury, 6 of 11 three-point kevin durant shoes|kd shoes shots. 24 points and 3 rebounds, 2 assists, Owen has scored 17 points in the first half, he scored seven points within the second half. Facing the big four in the mighty, and only Erika Owen in one-on-one earn garage have chances, but today's garage to accomplish better.
~BKI89yAcubs, 31-01-2019
"I got accustomed to my evaluation, " curry recalled,kd shoes "people said I has been too short, don't perform college basketball, then to the same reason that I am unable to play in the NBA. People don't even think I can play shield, then said I am not a pure point guard, until October of this past year, I also found how the general manager of funny in my experience as the league next good shooting guard. We have not yet fully perform their full potential, well, i set a higher typical to himself, committed to continuously improve to get more outstanding. "

"We've never met anyone with curry shoes him so great shooting everywhere, " warriors coach draw Jackson said, "and throw, stop and go empty-handed, catch hand, step back, leg, in the face regarding two double forced for you to......, any thought of firing mode, you can see they are astonishingly. We have certainly not seen anyone can accomplish this level, his Steve Nash (microblogging) played a top level, the two-time MVP merit, shooting is incredible, but it's also a level. And his or her other like reggie burns, Chris mullin, such since dell and I performed together - Ellis, dell - Arsenal, they are most fantastic striker, but that they didn't garage so complete, this guy is not any limit. "

Timer and dance, 6 minutes stephen curry shoes and also 30 seconds, Davis is doing everything we can to near to the garage, but still overdue step. Garage again to complete a beautiful jumper - it isn't really strictly jumper, his toe will be out from the ground, under the condition in the body is still climbing, use forefinger and middle finger touch to perform the hand. Treasury human body slightly back. This not only makes his moves difficult to block, as well as relating to the ball and floor a great additional 10 degrees Angle. NBA players to moment takes 0. 6 seconds an average of, the garage from preparing action to dial the ball moves, it just takes 0. 4 seconds. Fast to make up for your deficiency of the storage area height, the ball well avoid the opponent blocking fly toward the basket at the same time, the look of garage is obviously along with them. His arm still moves in the event the posture, and of his / her teammates has begun to be able to pose three gestures...

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~BKI89yAcubs, 30-01-2019
Knight's technique clearly, today is to cling to garage, do not give him any probability, and Kevin durant is always one on one with defense. But garage or under heavy defensive look for opportunities, such as deal with stephen curry shoes low, he mobilized, utilize other fear his border ability garage easily won two points.

The last 80 seconds inside first half, durant had missed shots from outside, the actual basket three players usually are knights, including Thompson, lebron, as a result, the Treasury rushed into the basket from the extended position, unexpectedly the offensive rebounds inside knight encirclement! Then he / she points ball durant, who finished scores!

And the next half, knight to defensive strategy looks like it's shaken, they don't have a lot of double again, help, strangely enough, JR in 1 on 1 against Arsenal, and directly put this garage was pushed on the ground.

Sure enough, the knight defensive shaken curry shoes following scoring started rising within his Arsenal, outside his 3-pointer by continuous, during those times he was given an opportunity to just like Kevin durant got chance from the first half. After three points inside the database is still hit, he this section one bomb underneath the 14 points.

Today will be June 1, the time kd shoes may be the international children's day, it seems in the "primary school" is among the holiday today.

Small garage finish I rested a lot of the holiday to battle, they are still the contribution on the brilliant stroke, but likewise pass a 3-pointer by Kevin durant. The very last 3 minutes, garage off in advance of schedule, because the game had no suspense.

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