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Pozegnanie z Ziemia Ognista.
25-go grudnia a wiec w pierwszy dzien Swiat przyszlo mi sie pozegnac z Ushuaja i wyruszyc w dalsza droge, tym razem na polnoc czyli, co rozni ten kontynent od naszego, w strone slonca. Jadac na polnoc mam cien za plecami – troche to dziwne i smieszne.
Po dwoch tygodniach w Ushuaii, na koncu swiata, juz mnie troche noga swierzbi, zeby znowu poczuc pod nia pedal gazu. Ostatnie przygotowania samochodu, zakupy jedzenia na pare nastepnych dni i praktycznie jestem gotow by wyruszyc. Jest 23-ci grudnia. Jutro wigilia. Postanawiam zostac jeszcze dwa dni i jednak spedzic wigilie na campingu wsrod podobnych do mnie obierzyswiatow. Faktycznie dzien przed wigilia camping zapelnia sie podroznikami z calego swiata, ktorzy przemierzaja Ameryke Poludniowa w taki czy inny sposob. Schodza sie wedrownicy z plecakami, namiotami, ktorzy swoje szlaki pokonuja autobusami (pociagow w Ameryce Poludniowej prawie, ze nie ma) lub autostopem, zjezdzaja rowerzysci, ktorych az dziw jak duzo widac na drogach pewnie od Alaski az po Ziemie Ognista, przyjezdza mnostwo motocyklistow w tym wiekszosc z Niemiec, no i w koncu samochodziarze z rejestracjami z calego swiata ale glownie Europy. Kolo mnie zaparkowal sedziwy samochodowy Globtroter z dluga siwa broda z drewnianym domkiem na podwoziu ciezarowki. Niezwykly to widok tym bardziej, ze rejestracja byla…. wlasnie z Alaski.

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No coz … swieta, swieta i po swietach. Spakowany, gotowy, z pelnym plecakiem zyczen, ktorych otrzymalem w roznych formach (sms, mail, skype, telefon) mnostwo i za ktore wszystkim bardzo, bardzo dziekuje, wyruszam w kierunku Calafate, gdzie mam sie spotkac z Brigit i Michaelem. Oni wyruszyli w tamtym kiuerunku juz pare dni wczesniej. Kierunek Rio Grande, potem granica z Chile w San Sebastian i potem to czego bardzo nie lubie ale przed czym nie da sie w tej czesci swiata uciec, 150 km dziurawej, kamienistej, zakurzonej drogiu po ktorej mozna poruszac sie z predkoscia nie wieksza niz 20km/h o ile chce sie oczywiscie jeszcze jakis czas pojezdzic swoim samochodem.
Przy ktoryms z kolei odpoczynku, patrzac na mape znajduje inne polaczenie z Calafate niz pierwotnie zakladalem. Jade przez Chile tym bardziej, ze po drodze jest park narodowy Torres del Paine. Czytam w przewodniku po Ameryce Poludniowej i wszystko jasne. Do tego parku trzeba koniecznie jechac. Podobno jedno z najpiekniejszych miejsc w calej Ameryce. No skoro tak to ostry skret w lewo i kierunek Puerto Natales. Droga duzo, duzo lepsza. Jade sobie pieknym asfaltem, wokolo pustka podobna do tej argentynskiej i wszystko byloby pieknie - nawet burza, ktora gdzies tam po drodze mnie dogonila i przegonila pozostawiajac po sobie barwne tecze – gdyby nie to, ze pustka w Chile znaczy wiecej niz pustka w Argentynie. Kompletnie brak wszystkiego a przede wszystkim stacji benzynowych. Wskazowka spade do poziomu rezerwy i po raz pierwszy w tej podrozy ciesze sie, ze ciagne za soba przyczepke a w niej kanistry z ropa. Okazuje sie, ze na ziemi ognistej “krainy wiecznych wiatrow” (czyli jest tu wiecznie wietrznie! ) wlanie ropy z kanistra do auto to nie taka prosta sprawa. Po pierwsze samo otworzenie drzwi na nie oslonietym terenie juz jest nie lada wyczynem, potem wyjscie z samochodu i wyciagniecie kanistrow graniczy z cudem a powrot z pustym kanistrem, ktory po prostu chce mi wyrwac z rak to juz bylo prawie jak walka o przetrwanie z kilkukrotnie silniejszym przeciwnikiem. Summa summarum po trwajacej kilkadziesiat szarpaninie udalo mi sie ruszyc dalej. Do Puerto Natales dojechalem nastepnego dnia. Przeurocza malutka miescina z jak zwykle w Patagonii malymi, malowniczymi, kolorowymi domkami, uroczym rynkiem i jak zwykle mnostwem sklepikow z pamiatkami, biurami podrozy itd, itp. Mam wrazenie, ze wszystkie te miasteczka w tej czesci swiata zyja wylacznie z turystyki. W witrynach biurowych kroluja oferty przewozu do Torres del Paine. Nie tracac czasu i ja wyruszam w droge do parku. Po drodze oczywiscie tankowanie (ropa drozsza niz w Argentynie o dobre 20 centow), zakupy ( bo na terenie parku podobno bardzo drogo) i w droge. Puerto Natales opuszczam piekna, nowo wybudowana droga. Po drodze o dziwo mijam lotnisko tzn. domek i pas dla dwoch moze trzech samolotow. Po ponad godzinie dojezdzam do miejsca w ktorym powoli spoza horyzontu zaczynaja pokazywac sie osniezone szczyty gor, z ktorych niczym dostojni wladcy a poprawnie wladczynie wylaniaja sie trzy wieze. Torres del Paine. Niebieskie wieze.

Droga do parku Torres del Paine

Auto-Dom z Alaski

Wigilia na koncu swiata

Przygotowania do wigilijnego ogniska

I po burzy

Puerto Natales - Chile

Pto. Natales - Chile

Pro. Natales - Chile

Pro. Natales






W oddali po prawej Torres del Paine


* = Opcja konieczna


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Именно Ховард Хьюз первым предложил перевозить на самолётах только только людей, даже и военную технику. Часто БК подключает возможность использующихся криптовалюты, а усовершенство новичков даже такая ставка имеет определенный риск, Кстати ней игра представлена и букмекерской компании Pin Up, игра, соленск каждый игрок решаем сам сколько и выигрывать, online, чтобы зарегистрировать свой аккаунт прямо сейчас. Особенность Аэроплана отсутствие сложных правил и геймплея он достаточно обычный для понимания и справиться с поставленной задачей может окончивший игрок. Казино буи играть на реальные деньгиВ подобных тотализаторах на дистанции слив депозита усовершенство игрока неизбежен. Вы хочу отойти от плана и рискнуть, выждал более выгодного коэффициента, однако делать чтобы не рекомендуется, когда вы хотите играть по предложенной стратегии. Покупай мои собственные самолеты же организуй перелеты пассажиров. Ваш успех зависит только остального вашей способности проворно реагировать, либо планировать стратегию. Мостбет казино является не менее популярной услугой компании, чем ставки на спорт. Казино буи играть на реальные деньги.

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When thinking about baldness elimination, ascorbic acid must be on top of your checklist. Collagen is determined by ascorbic acid, and collagen is what you need to have a whole mind of locks. If you're not getting ample vit c, eating more citrus fresh fruits or taking nutritional supplements can assist you make up the shortfall.

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A diet regime consisting of substantial protein foods will enable you to maintain your hair and stop baldness. Protein is necessary for hairloss elimination as your head of hair is manufactured entirely from health proteins. Without the need of health proteins, your hair will surely cease increasing. Seafood, eggs, and red meat are great types of health proteins.

If you are going to utilize locks styling items on your locks, make sure you take it all from the your hair at nighttime to stop baldness. Trying to keep the products in every night enable the chemicals to drain additional in your head, that will make the hair fall out.

Medicines will continue to work to destroy the origins of your respective hair on the follicle, which means you should prevent medicines and alcoholic drinks if you're seeking to enhance your own hair and scalp as well as to stop further hairloss. Turn this forfeit and your locks can become stronger in the long term.

Take Vitamin E Antioxidant dietary supplements if you suffer from hair loss. Vitamin E promotes healthy blood circulation, which, subsequently, encourages healthier hair development. It will likewise hold the additional advantage of retaining your skin healthier and younger looking.

A lot of individuals who are struggling with hair loss may benefit from getting a wig. This can be a wonderful solution to hair loss for men and women.

Blending castor oil and white-colored iodine creates a potent remedy that could seriously help to re-grow your locks. To create this concoction, basically include equal aspects of each component, blend them properly, and after that use instantly to the head (with regards to a teaspoon's worth) and work to massage it in. Do this again every night.

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Many people assume that genetic hair thinning is around locks falling out. In fact, it's about more head of hair not developing back to swap drop head of hair. Genetic baldness might be a result of sex (males experience over girls) grow older and hormones (androgenic hormone or testosterone). Sadly, guys do suffer the most.

To assist avoid hair thinning on account of chemotherapy, request your doctor for a cool cap. This really is a cap that can constrain the flow of blood to the scalp, and therefore keep the severe chemicals in your blood from achieving follicles of hair. The cap is put on a quarter-hour prior to treatment and kept on 1-2 hours after. Check with your medical professional or registered nurse when the chilly cap can be efficiently used in combination with your form of radiation treatment drugs.

Steer clear of eating too much sea salt and sweets. You should fully eliminate these two out of your diet plan. Overeating sodium or sweets can bring about hair loss to make it harder to develop your own hair rear. Most vegetables have their own own salt, so scale back on the sea salt and you will definitely visit like them more.

Make sure you have the correct prognosis for the hair loss and attempt natural and organic way of remedy prior to turning to prescription medications or surgical procedures. If your baldness might be addressed with diet changes, a difference of good hair care therapies, exercise or any other way of living modify, there is not any need to subject matter yourself to surgical procedures or drugs!

Preserving your overall health is going to help you lessen the chances of hair loss. By taking care of the body, you will be also handling your scalp. Obtaining the correct quantity of sleeping and eating a balanced diet is going to lessen the likelihood of struggling with hairloss.

Be mindful about how you style the hair. Whilst the latest fashion can be a small bun or even a French style, you will not wish to pull hair small. Should you do you may be harming the roots of the head of hair and it also may lead to baldness.

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When contemplating baldness elimination, vit c ought to be on top of your listing. Collagen is determined by ascorbic acid, and collagen is what you must have a complete mind of locks. If you're not getting adequate vit c, eating citrus fruit or taking health supplements will help you constitute the shortfall.

If you are shedding the hair, you might want take into consideration becoming more Vit C. Vit C facilitates the stream of bloodstream for the head, while keeping the capillaries that bring bloodstream to hair follicles. Your hair should be able to grow back more quickly as more blood circulates in your head.

An eating plan composed of substantial protein foods will help you to keep your head of hair and stop hair loss. Healthy proteins is important for hairloss prevention since your locks is made fully from protein. Without the need of healthy proteins, hair will simply stop increasing. Species of fish, chicken eggs, and steak are excellent resources for healthy proteins.

If you are planning to work with head of hair design items in your head of hair, make sure to carry it all out of your hair at nighttime in order to avoid hair loss. Maintaining these kinds of products in all nighttime let the chemical compounds to kitchen sink more in your head, which can make your own hair drop out.

Prescription drugs works to damage the origins of your own your hair at the follicle, therefore you must prevent drugs and alcohol if you're looking to reinforce the hair and head as well as to prevent further baldness. Get this forfeit plus your head of hair can become stronger in the long term.

Take E Vitamin supplements if you suffer from hairloss. Vitamin E stimulates healthful blood circulation, which, in turn, endorses healthier hair development. It will possess the additional advantage of maintaining your skin healthful and youthful searching.

Numerous those who are suffering from baldness will benefit from purchasing a wig. It is a fantastic answer to baldness for men and women.

Combining castor oils and bright white iodine will make a strong option that can help you to re-increase your locks. To produce this concoction, just add the same elements of every component, blend them well, after which implement right to the head (regarding a teaspoon's worth) and work to restorative massage it in. Repeat this every evening.

Stay away from head of hair dryers and flat irons if you want to avoid hair thinning. The high temperature readily available items can dry your own hair and then make it fall out. If you need to utilize them, make sure that you ask them to the two on the reduced placing.

Many people feel that inherited baldness is approximately head of hair dropping out. In fact, it's about more head of hair not increasing back to substitute get rid of locks. Hereditary hair loss can be due to sex (gentlemen go through greater than girls) age group and human hormones (androgenic hormone or testosterone). Sadly, gentlemen do suffer one of the most.

To assist prevent baldness because of chemo, question your medical professional for the chilly cap. This is a cap that will restrict the flow of blood towards the scalp, and therefore keep the unpleasant chemicals in your bloodstream from reaching the hair follicles. The cap is put on a quarter-hour just before therapy and kept on 1-2 hours following. Request your personal doctor or health care worker in case the cool cap might be properly used in combination with your kind of chemo prescription drugs.

Stay away from eating too much sodium and sweets. You must totally eradicate these two through your diet. Eating too much sea salt or sweets can contribute to hair loss and make it tougher to grow your hair back again. Most vegetables have their own sodium, so scale back on the salt and you will probably arrived at like them a lot more.

Be sure you have the right analysis to your hairloss and endeavor natural and organic method of treatment method well before relying on prescribed drugs or surgical procedure. When your baldness might be tackled with eating alterations, a big change of hair care therapies, exercise or some other way of living change, there is absolutely no should issue yourself to surgery or medicines!

Preserving your state of health is going to help you decrease the likelihood of hairloss. Through taking attention of your body, you might be also taking care of your scalp. Receiving the correct amount of sleeping and having a healthy diet plan is going to decrease the likelihood of affected by hair thinning.

Be careful about the way in which you fashion the hair. However the most up-to-date style might be a limited bun or even a French perspective, you will not desire to pull the hair tight. Should you you might be harmful the beginnings of your respective your hair plus it might lead to hair loss.

Use aloe-vera with your head of hair. For several years aloe vera has been used for hair health. You may mixture it together with your hair shampoo to find the best outcomes. You can even mix it with jojoba oil, castor gas or essential olive oil permanently outcomes. This will assist soothe your own hair and head.

Childbirth manage supplements won't only enable you to stave off unwanted pregnancies however they will likely enable you to expand your head of hair. If you grind 4 to 6 tablets finely and add those to your hair shampoo, your hair will develop a good deal larger and fuller and the hair follicles will reinforce so that you won't be dropping as much hair.

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