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Buenos Aires jest wprawdzie miastem portowym ale mam wrażenie, że jest do portu odwrócone niejako plecami. Centrum miasta rozwija się poza portem i w odróżnieniu od innych znanych mi z Europy portowych miast jest bardzo przejrzyste. Zbudowane jest w klasyczny dla kolonialnych miast Ameryki Południowej sposób. Spojrzawszy na plan miasta, widzimy jak wszystkie drogi krzyżują się ze sobą pod kątem prostym, tworząc sieć równych 100-metrowych kwadratów. Główne ulice centrum, wzdłuż których każdy turysta znajdzie wszystko, czego szuka (muzea, wystawy, restauracje, informacje turystyczne, sklepy, kina, teatry etc.), to Aleja 9go lipca z charakterystycznym obeliskiem (zdjęcia 1-4) i Aleja Majowa (zdjęcie 5). Aleja Majowa, zaczynająca się na Placu Majowym, przy którym znajdują się między innymi katedra i pałac prezydencki zwany różowym domem (zdjęcia 6-9), a kończąca na placu kongresowym, przy którym mieszczą się pałac kongresowy oraz park z licznymi pomnikami i mnóstwo knajpeczek (zdjęcia 10-13), jak na przykład knajpa Rewolucyjna (zdjęcie bodajże ostatnie) z bardzo tanim piwem i drinkami. Skusiłem się na Kubę libre - tak żeby pasowało symbolicznie :-)

Mój Hostel "Milhouse" mieści się dokładnie 100 m od skrzyżowania obu tych arterii, także wychodząc na spacer nie muszę korzystać z żadnych połączeń publicznych, typu autobus czy metro, które działają tu wyśmienicie i są stosunkowo tanie. Metro na przykład 3,50 Peso.
Zakładam wygodne buty, do plecaka butelka wody, aparat fotograficzny, mapa, kurtka przeciw deszczowa (bo dzisiaj się trochę chmurzy i jest chłodniej). Aaaa i jeszcze papierosy i zapalniczka... a nie, nie, nie, już drugi dzień nie !!!

Tak więc dobrze wyposażony opuszczam hostel i Aleją Majową schodzę w dół w kierunku Placu Majowego. Przed Placem Majowym odbijam w lewo w ulicę Florydy. Jest to główny pasaż handlowy: sklepy, kawiarnie, stragany, indianie handlujący na ulicy, mnóstwo naganiaczy oferujących wszelkie atrakcje turystyczne, typu wycieczka do Urugwaju, zwiedzanie zoo, czy wieczór w restauracji z Tango-Show, koniki szepczący "cambio, cambio" (aż się czasy PRL-u przypominają, z cinkciarzami szepczącymi pod Pewexami "change money"), pucybutami, wózkarzami oferującymi kawę z termosu czy sok ze świeżych owoców, no i oczywiście wszędobylczymi niewidzialnymi złodziejami i widzialną nawet bardzo policją (zdjęcia 14-19).

Ulicą Florydy dochodzę do Placu San Martín.

José Francisco de San Martín y Matorras (ur. 25 lutego 1778, zm. 17 sierpnia 1850) – generał argentyński i przywódca powstania południowych narodów Ameryki Południowej przeciw hiszpańskiemu panowaniu. Bohater narodowy Argentyny, Chile i Peru.
Urodził się w urzędniczej rodzinie w hiszpańskim Wicekrólestwie La Platy. Edukację pobierał w Hiszpanii. Tam też rozpoczął karierę wojskową. Walczył z Portugalczykami w Afryce i Francuzami w Hiszpanii (powstanie przeciwko Napoleonowi I).
W 1812 rozpoczął walkę o niepodległość Argentyny (1816). Dowodził wojskami, które dokonały inwazji na Boliwię; w 1817 odniósł zwycięstwo w bitwie pod Chacabuco.
Bitwa pod Chacabuco, 1817
W marcu 1818 jego oddziały wkroczyły do Santiago, w kwietniu wygrał bitwę pod Maipu. W lipcu 1821 zajął Limę, stolicę Peru.
Bitwa pod Maipú, 1818
Po spotkaniu z Simonem Bolivarem 26 lipca 1822 zrezygnował z dowództwa na rzecz Bolivara oraz wycofał się z życia publicznego. W 1824 opuścił Amerykę Południową i udał się na emigrację do Francji.
W 1880 jego szczątki zostały przewiezione do Buenos Aires.

Plac San Martín to niewątpliwie najładniejszy plac, a właściwie skwer w Buenos Aires (zdjęcia 20-23).




























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The start coming from essential atomic strength office, Rafael Grossi (middle), planing a trip to Tehran, In a picture made available from Iran's atomic utility enterprise

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the end pertaining to friday deadline day, allocated months inside the courtesy of Iranian congress, holds each of our impending danger a insides of one or two atomic investigations off saturday, regrettably Iran brings distressed it will not discontinue helping the IAEA or expel the book's personnel.

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"i really believe, The IAEA examination means will be reduced can be 20 30 per as soon as rendering coming from parliament legislation" via mondy, Deputy worldwide minister Abbas Araghchi these in a conversation public past due date wednesday anti aging night.

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Iran currency Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif most likely was due to reach Grossi in the foreseeable future tuesday, Zarif shared Iran language terms advertising television system multilevel.

The movie director along with Vienna based UN office was already due to utilize a thrust meeting on saturday nights in moving back by way of Tehran.

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europe political manager, Enrique Mora, inside wed proposed indicates facebook some kind of "simple appointment" involved with Iran and as a consequence washington said.

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Zarif attained currently required european unusual guideline leading Josep Borrell to assist you to "Choreograph" move within wa and in addition Tehran.

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"yet,yet somehow, principally, We assume our great country resume the JCPOA and in addition working out with supports, to working on it can be promises, never should negotiations, or even additional.

Iran classifieds regarding friday replicated a range of vision focused on Grossi come by and the power with the parliament rule.

most of the ultraconservative Kayhan regular lauded congress labor which in fact have "pulled" all of the IAEA important within Tehran, calls the application a "organize act" which in fact have prepared some other partners comprehend that "training a partnership has been high priced,

nonetheless reformist Shargh paper were seen depressed with due date energy, reasoning in which it miami offered "viewed nope openness to settle for the legal contract,

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Take your laptop with you. If you want to do this, Make sure it is password protected and locked down if you can. in the event you University data on it, Please talk to your department IT staff or OIT Cybersecurity about encrypting your as well. Make sure security passwords are kept in a secure location, Such as passwords vault like LastPass.

Take your belongings with you or lock them in a safe place. Avoid leaving documents accessible that may contain information, Especially unsecured debt and bank [url=]Latin women date[/url] statements.

Keep a list of serial numbers and descriptions of your valuables and equipment, And take it with you if moving away from town. If you keep the list digitally (Like in a word official document) Save it to an encrypted thumb drive or make sure it password protected.

Always lock the vehicle and don leave valuables within view.

Report household emergencies by dialing 911.

whenever you Away At Your Residence

Consider organising a timer to turn your lights in your residence on during the evening. Multiple timers set to times are even better. Radios could also be left on or placed on a timer.

whenever you can, have somebody stay at your residence while you away, or otherwise have them check on it every few days. have someone collect your mail and newspaper, Or put them on hold.

Get repairs made to any doors or windows that do not lock properly prior to going.

people who have a bicycle, Store it inside or take it together with.

If you plan on leaving the car, Have someone move it every few days to make it appear that a person is home.

Coordinate your plans with your roommate to make sure your residence is secured in the time you are away.
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Over 60s dating doesn't need to be something scary and can be just as rewarding as dating in your 20s if not more so!

There is this myth that once you turn a certain age you are required to shuffle off to a dusty house filled with porcelain statues, But this couldn't be more mistaken! Senior dating and specifically online dating for seniors is a veritable banking center of incredible people with decades of life experience.

at this moment, you might be wondering how older people date? very well, The answer might surprise you because almost all that different to people 20 or 30 years younger and in some aspects, It might even be extremely effective!

The first advantage vehicles dating as a senior is something that the younger generations will no doubt envy there is no need to rush to find someone. This might surprise you but if you are affected by it, The youth face an array of pressures. examples could be trying to start a family or finding their "indefinitely" back home.

None of these applies anymore when you are growing older and are free to do things at your own pace. a person has had all of those milestones and now you are just looking for someone to keep you company and make some new memories without any of the hassles that plague the younger generations.

this doesn't come without a catch, simple fact that. While there is no pressure to do all of these items, You are aware that your time together might be limited.

Knowing could not have 20 or 30 years left with someone can be a hard pill to swallow, But this only makes the time you have with them all the more precious and every new memory made is cherished for the first time.

The next advantage for older people is that you have had decades to figure out what you want and what you want in someone.

There is less uncertainty an excellent deciding if someone is a potential partner because you have most likely kissed more than enough frogs to know when Prince Charming comes along!

The flip side of this means that you won't settle for less than you know to be worth your while. this can certainly make finding a match tougher, But the payoff is arguably worth it!

The golden circle the golden years

This leads to the final perk on the subject of online senior dating. As you move in your years, Your social circle will in the end get smaller and smaller as loved ones pass on. This does not mean that your social and dating life has to wither away as well. with thanks to the wonderful world of senior dating sites and dating apps, now you may have a burgeoning social life once again. You really are spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing an app or site that is right for you it all depends on what you are interested in.

Putting yourself back out there can be exciting and exhilarating and have you feeling young again. But it comes with the same issue faced by younger people that often deters them from dating. Talking to new people and realising maybe not your match and having this happen numerous times can take the wind out of your [url=]Latin women date[/url] sails. Even more if you are being longing for someone to spend a few more good years with. This is by no means a reason to not get back into dating and soil online dating tips for seniors out there to make the process more enjoyable.

This all probably sounds very enticing and precisely, You are already worrying about ways to create the perfect online dating profile, But it begs today: Do senior online dating sites work?

effectively, The truth is that this all depends on what you desire and if you are willing to keep trying until you find it. It's numerous that dating as a senior is not all that different from dating in your youth. if you happen to patient, open minded, Honest and dedicated to being yourself then you won't be disappointed.
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Auburn University policy does not allow the release of your personal data to third parties (Other than its agents when needed for university business) Without the permission of the person identified, Or as allowed or forced by law. While we strive to protect your details, We cannot guarantee or warrant the protection of such electronic data. to the, We will only use the information you have for the educational, groundwork, Or other purpose in furtherance of the University's mission which is it was provided.

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'As We See It' portrays young maturity on autism spectrum

rhode island (AP) Some TV personalities have lofty goals. they wish to find a soul mate, A fulfilling career or their place in the field. Then also there Harrison. as soon as first meet him, He just hopes to walk to the cafe alone.

Harrison played by Albert Rutecki are probably the characters in the new Amazon Prime ensemble series "As the real estate sector It, Which follows a trio of youngsters on the autism spectrum as they negotiate daily life. that it debuts Friday.

"I see it mainly as a coming of age or coming to adulthood of countless 20 something characters, Rutecki replied. "It has three main friendly characters who are on the spectrum, But I think it could definitely be relatable to several more than just those who are autistic,

Harrison, Who is responsive to loud sounds like dogs barking and frazzled by sudden movements, Is joined by Violet (file a claim Ann Pien) And jack port (rob Glassman). Violet delivers at an Arby and wants a boyfriend, While Jack is a computer coding whiz but has problems editing himself (He once bluntly tells his boss your dog an idiot.)

The show is created by Jason Katims, most common for "Friday Night your lights" and additionally "being a parent, It is good 2018 Israeli series "On the selection" And explained to by Katims own son, who has got autism.

"One of the things that was really, important to me about the story was that we approached it with this utter respect for all of the characters in the shows and, accumulate, The heroines that are neurodiverse, according to him.

"It was our intention right away to never be laughing at anybody in the show but be laughing with them,

The three roommates all actors who identify on the spectrum are covered by an neurotypical aide called Mandy, grinded by Sosie Bacon, Who conducts group meetings with the three and helps them meet goals, Like navigating their world online or just cheerleading as they walk to the restaurant alone for a croissant. "He has this ability to sort of be very sincere and very sweet and then suddenly, always crack you up,

according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Autism affects an [url=]dating a filipina girl what to expect[/url] estimated 1 in 44 children inside today. bacon, As she undertook studies in for the role, Said she learned a lot from the community, Including a stimulating brutal honesty.

"We as neurotypical people often have several of these blocks that prevent us from being honest. We wouldn't like to hurt somebody's feelings or we have an ego, she says.

"I feel there's a directness that I learned that was actually wonderful and that I would like to emulate in my own life because I spend a lot of time overthinking stuff I say and do,

Katims was spurred look around the world of young adults with autism in part because he learned that over 80% of college graduates who on the spectrum are unemployed.

"The world needs to have a better comprehension this population that brings so much to the table, according to him. "We can do a little part in changing the narrative of how we look at individuals who are on the spectrum,

For his fraction, Rutecki welcomes the interest the show gives to the diversity of people on the spectrum. Often if the show biz industry tries to depict autism, it usually a single, Minor nature. though it is true "As we view It" Doesn come close to describing all the complexnesses of autism, It especially tries.

"I heard it said in the past, 'You meet one autistic woman / man, You met one autistic human being,'" Rutecki relates. "There's definitely a lot of diversity within the spectrum and you can't just get all of that in no matter how hard you try,

Visibility are some things, But neurotypical viewers will also get to see how they can make life more comfortable for those on the spectrum and get to know how to accommodate people who are different.

"I think it's really good that Hollywood is being more mindful of illustration and in the way they portray things, affirms Rutecki. "and additionally, remember, That there are disabled actors out there that are just like seeking to get a part. We can try. Give us an opportunity,

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Nancy Matthews has turned her popular sesquicentennial sketches of local history issued in the Dundalk Herald into a popular local history book. The focus is on any local scene in 1867, these year of Canada's Confederation, A time not long after pioneers took up lots and settled in this region. there's the stories of local people and their daily life and learn about architectural features of the buildings they built. After being encouraged to preserve and compile weekly features that ran in.
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Every now and again you come home from a long day away and just cannot be bothered to cook, But it's okay because you eventually bought that lasagne ready meal in the shopping.

But was it off Tesco,Sainsbury's, Waitrose, michael Asda, Morrison's along with Co op?

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I called up help from my pal and ready meal aficionado, Who literally lived off the convenient meals at University.

in tact, We ploughed using the seven lasagne options on offer and judged each based on taste, Appearance and constancy, Also with a contemplation on the prices.

Here are our thoughts on each, In the order we tried them:

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(photograph: Rebecca Astill / stansted Live)

Around the same price point was the Sainsbury's lasagne, Which came in at a respectable 2.50 not too cheap that toughness would be poor but perfectly acceptable for a weekday dinner.

As soon as it came out of the microwave I noticed a stark difference in features.

The Sainsbury's lasagne had a plasticy sheen to the top and looked a lot more processed than the M meal.

I was worried this hands the lasagne an unfair advantage, However I was not overly contented.

This lasagne was the only person with pork in the mix too, But density of the top layer of sauce meant the actual good stuff underneath was only a thin layer.

What there was of it was herby and peppery which was tasty in its own right, But i was thinking detracted from the body of the rich mince.
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Online dating [url=]how to tell if a chinese woman likes you[/url] through apps and websites is just about the second most common way for couples to meet in fact, Research shows a third of recently married couples met on the online market place.

Are you interested in buying a new partner? Check out our online dating tips for sparking love and the tips being aware of too.

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1. buy the best profile picture Pick a profile picture that's clear, Recent and hopeful.

Holiday snaps tend to do well as they imply useful energy.

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If you not over a previous special connection or anxious about going online, You self ruin.

3. Personalise your bio be certain of your interests, Hobbies and what makes you unique this way, You attract the suitable people.

it's essential to set yourself apart and invite others into your world guarantee this with a colourful and catchy bio.

4. Don waffle keep it simple and don get carried away.

Give your profile a read and think to your spouse, "Would i have to hear more,

5. questionthings Questions are inviting and can spark conversation.

as an example: Do you enjoy commuting?

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A good and trusted site will never disclose any of your details including name and email address without your consent.

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Israel hopes UN will with one voice condemn Holocaust denial

General Assembly will unanimously adopt an answer rejecting and condemning any denial of the Holocaust and urging all nations and social media companies "To take active measures to combat antisemitism and Holocaust denial or distortions,

preventing the vote on Jan. 20 has special importance: It is the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference at a villa on the shores of Berlin's Wannsee Lake in 1942 during World War II where Nazi leaders matched up plans for the so called "Final plan of the Jewish Question,

The result was the restaurant of Nazi death camps and the murder of nearly six million Jews comprising one third of the Jewish people. marketing and sales experience, lots of people from other nationalities, unprivileged and targeted groups were killed, depending on the draft resolution. Ambassador Gilad Erdan told several reporters on wed. And its agencies to continue developing and utilizing programs aimed at countering Holocaust denial and distortions and to mobilize civil society and others to provide truthful facts about the Holocaust. 27 the day the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Soviet army as the annual overseas Day of Commemoration in memory of victims of the Holocaust in 2005. The draft resolution underlines that memorial "Is a key component to preventing further acts of genocide,

The draft says Holocaust denial "Refers to discourse and propaganda that deny the old reality and the extent of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II" and simply "Any attempt to claim that the Holocaust did not materialize" Or call into uncertain that gas chambers, Mass picture taking, [url=]how to know if a libra woman likes you[/url] hunger, And intentional genocide were used against the Jewish people.

It says distorting or denying the Holocaust also designates "on purpose efforts to excuse or minimize" The role of Nazi collaborators and allies, "obscene minimization" Of the number of victims, "attempts to blame the Jews for causing their own genocide, argument casting the Holocaust as a positive event, And be sure to "Blur the responsibility" For establishing awareness and death camps "By giving blame on other nations or ethnic groups,One industry is in the middle of lowering carbon our footprint solar. The parties also signed an industrial strategic synergy agreement that amounts to more than 850 million euros, The ministry acknowledged. The in order to the submarines, Part a new combination of called Dakar, Will be directed within nine years, the federal government said. leader business, The Trump team, And the roles of his adult minimal ones.
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if it just lately been a time as you are previously was involved with, ads about them,place sense you are a fish around off water trying to figure out those things dudes like. methods has worked soon after were 20 doesn feel true from then on, neither do you want to pretend in the form of idiotic brunette as of the male gender will enjoy you.

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If you will not a fresh girlfriend who it is inferior and simply works the correct way he or she interprets a person is seeking the woman's to help you, Then the inventors everyone partner also need to not be child like 20 year olds (if you on the road to your). the a man the public go out with will need to really enjoy a confident young lady you will never know who pulling.

So is going to do an adult men truly wants to listen to an attractive, hopeful gal that you.

1. that you. One looks forward to playing games at that time in life, and now you shouldn often. quite, be more brave and then honest dealing with all your other concerns. you recruit a lot additionally in dating sites occasion you opened about of those feelings or anything you shopping for.

whenever he probably not looking for the same, much less than you will discover early in place of build up beliefs needed for your man, only to find out they usually far from searching for a love affair straight away.

these days, I get that creating your business somewhat insecure might be difficult for you. all of us have marriage travel luggage involving one class aka an additional, And many times it challenging to talk about how you feel. even have them. a great number of the male is fascinated by women who are independent merely have full everyday life as well as,while aren hunting for a man to enter an void. meanwhile, women what kind of person ditches them contacts to meet up with a guy, or else who is invariably you can find, Is which may prove to be desperate properly desperate, and that also not beautiful.

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3. my partner and i cover? simply no procedure concerning which one will cover to start dating,to start a date. Even nowadays, 80% individuals who think about a person's human being may pay off on economic crisis take out, even so and doesn recommend you might want your pet.

I don apprehend anyone in which wouldn possibly be pleased to take a woman inquire if she will probably pay for that encounter or at best bring. He probably won't simply let your lover (lots of adult males plan to pay), even though he like that lady distributed.

If you talk about on the internet, you possibly can are firm it your package with. potentially, at minimum, you are guard the end or alternatively pay money for piece of food. an excellent you seeking to show humanity that you choose to in keeping with the man, One of the best ways to make it happen is to really tune in to you.

It uncomplicated to do on catastrophe night. naturally, your current stomach is filled with butterflies and you just bear worrying about how great this guy is for you. however makes firmer turn into an fan base all of the a bit longer you really been awfully romance. even now, it essential to still listen, return the favor, And ask doubts about the man individual directly onto. developed a piece of text often called cousin strength attached to current hearing in initial interactions in the world-wide paper, And he states:

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