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Rankiem, a to już zrobił się 30-ty grudnia, wyjeżdżam z narodowego parku Torres del Paine w kierunku El Calafate, gdzie od paru dni czekają już na mnie moi znajomi z Ushuaii, Brigit i Michael. Mam do przejechania coś około dwustuparu kilometrów, no i granicę chilijsko-argentyńską. Z tymi granicami to nigdy nie wiadomo, do czego się przyczepią i co będą kontrolować, a więc zawsze towarzyszy temu jakiś tam stres. A może to jeszcze w podświadomości pozostała pamiątka po naszych granicach np. z NRD? To było dopiero przeżycie. Kto choć raz przejeżdżal tę granicę, to wie, o czym piszę.
No cóż, i ja dojeżdżam po 40 kilometrach do granicy. Oczywiście nauczony doświadczeniem (to już któreś tam z rzędu przejeżdżanie z Chile do Argentyny i z powrotem) pochowałem owoce, warzywa i całą żywność, tak żeby mi nie zabrali. Do tej pory zawsze coś musiałem oddać. Raz zabrali mi cały worek jabłek, innym razem jajka i mleko, a ostatnio nawet drewniany klocek, który wożę po utracie kółka od przyczepki, w razie gdybym musiał ją odstawić. Teraz też na wierzchu zostawiam specjalnie jedno jabłko, łudząc się, że po jego zabraniu nie będą szukać dalej. Tak to już jest w tych przygranicznych wojazach. Na granicy mam trochę szczęścia, bo zaraz po mnie podjeżdżają dwa autobusy z turystami i robi się trochę zamieszania, z którego korzystam, bo celnik bez patrzenia na mnie wbija mi stempel, zabiera kartę samochodową (kartę taką zawsze zabierają przy opuszczaniu państwa, a przy wjeżdżaniu wydają nową) i uśmiechając się mówi esto todo tzn. to wszystko i adios. No dobra, ale gdzie jest Argentyna. Nie mam karty wozu, nie mam stempla wjazdu, a oni podnoszą szlaban i każą jechać. Do tej pory było tak, że w jednym pomieszczeniu siedzieli Chilijczycy i Argentyńczycy. Jedni załatwiali formalności związane z wyjazdem, a drudzy z wjazdem. A tu co? Pytam niezgrabnie o co chodzi i już wiem. Argentyna jest cinco kilometros dalej. Acha! Więc jadę, oczywiście o stanie drogi na terenie nie należącym do nikogo nie muszę pisać. Makabra. Po drodzę dedukuję, że skoro na tej granicy nie siedzą razem, to pewnie mają tu jakiś konflikt albo coś. A jak oni się tu nie lubią, to pewnie odbija się to na biędnych turystach przekraczających w tym miejscu granicę. Ocho – czarne myśli niczym wczorajsze chmury zawisły nad moją głową. Teraz to dopiero będzie. Przekopią mi samochód, będą się czepiać, a ja ich nie będę rozumiał. Będzie niełada cyrk - myślę. Granicy jak nie widać tak nie widać. Te pięć kilometrów to czasowo po normalnej drodze tak mniej więcej jak sto. W końcu jest. Domek. Tak malutki domek, w środku dwa stoły i dwóch urzędników: celnik i policjant. A teraz uwaga! Nie ma prądu, nie ma komputerów, nie ma poza stołem i urzędnikiem nic. Podaję paszport celnikowi, który przepisuje numer, nazwisko itd. do grubej księgi, a policjant obok daje mi do wypełnienia kartę samochodową, do której ja mam wpisać numer rejestracyjny, numer silnika, nadwozia, markę, a on nawet nie porównując z dowodem rejestracyjnym przykłada stempel podpis i to wszystko. Średniowiecze, ale za to jakie fajne. Cała procedura trwała parę minut – zaznaczam bez komputera – i znowu jestem w Argentynie. Macie takie uczucie ulgi, jak wyjeżdżacie gdzieś za granicę i potem wracając do domu przekraczacie granicę swojego państwa? Takie „uf“, nareszcie u siebie? Właśnie tak miałem. Po trzech miesiącach pobytu w Argentynie czuję się w niej poprostu jak w domu.
Droga się oczywiście zmieniła, sunę sobie asfalcikiem, czasami stanę żeby… coś sfotografować i po dwóch godzinach dojeżdżam do El Calafate. Wspomnę jeszcze, że przed każdym wjazdem do jakiegokolwiek miasta czy miasteczka, jest posterunek policji i rutynowa kontrola dokumentów. El Calafate też wita mnie w umundurowaniu. Tym razem nawet nie chcą dokumentów, tylko machają ręką i mogę jechać dalej. Mój kolorowy samochód wzbudza zaufanie.
Cetrum El Calafate, to prawdopodobnie centum turystyczne całej Patagonii. Pisałem już o miasteczkach, żyjących moim zdaniem tylko z turystyki. Nie porównują się one jednak do tego, co tu zobaczyłem. Małe miasteczko, powstałe paredziesiąt lat temu (wcześniej był tu tylko punkt handlu wełną) składa się tylko z hoteli, sklepów I oczywiście biur podróży, no i jest tu jeszcze casino. Na ulicach kolorowo niczym na targach odzieży turystycznej. Smiało można się zorientować, co w danym sezonie jest modne na całym świecie. Wszyscy bez wyjątku chodzą w markowych ciuchach, a kolorów lustrzanych okularów przeciwsłonecznych nie jestem w stanie policzyć. Na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda to wszystko stosunkowo fajnie i nawet wywołuje znany wyraz twarzy “wow”. Na dłuższą metę jednak nie do wytrzymania, więc dość szybko się orientuję, że długo tu nie zabawię.
Swoją ekspansję zawdzięcza El Calafate prawdopodobnie swojemu położeniu w pobliżu trzech najczęściej odwiedzanych miejsc w Patagonii, tj. parku Torres del Pajne na południu, pasma górskiego Fitz Roy na północy, no i oczywiście w bezpośredniej odległości (ok. 20 km) lodowiec Perito Moreno. Z powodu owego lodowca, o którym już się wiele nasłuchałem i naoglądałem, i ja tutaj właśnie dotarłem. Wyjazd do parku, w którym znajduje się lodowiec, planuję na 31-go grudnia, czyli Sylwestra, mając nadzieję, że to, co zobaczę, zastąpi mi noworoczne fajerwerki.
Nie pomyliłem się. To co ujrzałem, przyćmiło swym blaskiem wszystkie dotychczasowe fajerwerki, lącznie z tymi w Paryżu w 1999/2000 roku. To był istny spektakl natury, jakiego człowiek nie jest w stanie wymyśleć. Olbrzymia masa lodu lśni się w promieniach słońca różnymi kolorami, do tego co jakiś czas kilkutonowa bryła odrywa się od masywu i łoskotem wpada do wody. Lodowiec do tego wszystkiego wydaje niesamowite dzwięki: syczy, dudni, pęka, wyje, po czym na chwilę zapada w absolutną ciszę. Stałem przed nim kilka godzin, oglądałem z różnych stron, zrobiłem setki zdjęć i w tej chwili wiem, że cokolwiek bym jeszcze nie napisał, to i tak nie jestem w stanie słowami oddać tego, co przez te parę godzin przeżywałem. Takiego teatru natury poprostu nie jestem w stanie opisać. Przepraszam. Parę zdjęć mam nadzieje przybliży w minimalnej skali zjawisko p.t. Perito Moreno.

Po powrocie do El Calafate, gdzie parkowałem samochód przy łące, na której chadzały sobie flamingi, a obok koń przywiązany do słupa pilnował obejścia niczym pies znany z naszych europejskich krajobrazów, zaczęliśmy z Brigit i Michaelem przygotowywać sobie sylwestrowe ucztowanie. Jakieś zakąski, jakieó coś, żeby zakąski miały sens. Muzyka typu AC/DC, Led Zeppelin (Michael jest fanem AC/DC, ja natomiast Zeppelinów), a Brigit słucha wszystkiego, byle było rockowe – no i gotowe. Sylwester w samochodzie pod patagońskim niebem, tańce na ulicy i życzenia z przechodniami w pięknym hiszpańskim języku – feliz anio nuevo. Prawda, że brzmi pięknie? Więc niech ten Nowy Rok taki będzie.

























Sylwester 2013


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Люди, которые придумывают новые технологии состаривания натурального дерева, просто заимствовали этот термин и назвали им очень интересный способ обработки поверхностей массива, а интересен он тем, кто хочет оформить кухню, гостиную, спальню в стиле классика, Прованс, кантри, лофт, при этом использовать эффект состаренной древесины [url=]стеновые панели из дерева [/url]

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Поэтому важно, чтобы они вписывались в интерьер каждого помещения и сочетались с окружающей мебелью и декором [url=]отделка лестницы деревом [/url]

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~Bartonscv, 19-02-2022
Missing and honoring Mothers

I like it so much!

undoubtedly we think of and miss our mothers every day every day! But mother's day is a good time to zoom some particular energy in her direction whether here or, definitely, "over there,

I have friends who will visit graves on Sunday and individuals that, Mired in a lonesome and annual funk, Will not will be curious about anything. I also know with people who will dress up a bit more for church wouldn't their mothers approve! And maybe go out with an older friend who has played a maternal role.

As botanical gardens everywhere prepare for the annual Mother's Day surge of visitors this week, A very good and long time friend took me to the Atlanta Botanical Garden on Sunday to show me something special her family did there to honor her mother who died almost two years ago.

margaret (1915 2009), Also a longtime friend, Was a founding member of the Botanical Garden in its infancy when it was run from a trailer in 1976. "She didn't do it for social excellent, Her baby, Patricia, told. "She just really liked to in the dirt, (I can vouch for that as I have a thriving crop of ginger lilies copped from her luscious garden where peonies are situated in bountiful bloom.)

Fontaine Huey, The Garden's director of institutional advance, replied, "My early memories of the backyard always included Margaret" And long time board member and landscape designer Sylvia Attkisson recalled a conversation with Margaret in the past about the pitcher plants she had growing in bog areas at the family farm, Sunnyside, In North the southeast.

Because of Margaret's love of Sunnyside and point outdoors, Her husband Randolph and all five grown children margaret, Patricia, Laura, Randy and Mary wanted to ensure her generous bequest to the Garden would reflect her botanical interests and loves. affirmed, The recently dedicated Margaret and Randolph Thrower Sweetbay Magnolia [url=]how to tell if a vietnamese girl likes you[/url] Grove complies with on many levels.

The handful of deciduous sweetbay magnolias are younger versions of folks been growing at Sunnyside. Their dark green leaves have a silver underbelly, And the creamy white flowers we spotted one early bloom not long ago have a little lemony scent which Margaret loved, overly. The red cone fruits are tasty treats for wild turkey, Quail and songbirds all abounding at Sunnyside.

The trees in this obituary "grove" Are on an elevated patio, Alston fail to notice, With a thrilling view of the City of Atlanta, Also dear to Margaret and the beneficiary in many select ways of her interests.

"What's wonderful about the development world, Huey described, "Is that you have the privilege to glimpse into a family and their lives and why they actually something for the Garden, She recalled a couple who came in in the past and who, After vacationing the gardens, Expressed a desire for purchasing a kinetic sculpture Tendrils, Gingko Leaf designs, 2008 simply George Sherwood, To honor their parents who had last month died. They had received a modest gift of money, Huey told, But didn't need the money and wanted to want to do something for the Garden.

Huey said the development office has the ability to direct gifts to support the Garden, regardless what size. Gifts can sometimes include books for the two libraries, Bulbs for the spring tulip celebration or a $10,000 teak bench utilizing commemorative plaque. it had been, Members of this group left bequests of some level in their wills.

statement by Martha Hyne on July 10, 2011 when 1:14pm

My comment is my younger Sister who died in 2000 of her second, not related cancer. A few days before she died she and I were spending some time together just reminiscing about our time of growing up together. the two of us loved hummingbirds and as we reminisced, We watched the tiny birds at her feeders by of the question. She told me that whenever she was gone, She wanted me to think of her everytime I saw a hummingbird and I promised her I would. right then and there of her Memorial Service the next week, I wished to share that with everyone but did not feel up to repeating it myself, So I wrote it down and the minister read it aloud for all to share. I even told it to my friends on a Quilters Chat marketing online. asap, These many long time later, I have several people all over the USA the World who E Mail me to tell me they "Saw a Hummingbird today and yes, I dreamed of you Marilyn, The people who attended her Memorial Service also tell me that they still think of her whenever they see a hummingbird, Whether is it doesn't feathered kind or just a fingurine, Note pad or on a credit card. I have two feeders outside my bay window so I think of her often every time they come to feed and when I put new nectar out for them. it is comforting for me and I whisper her name "Marilyn" at any time I see one. I have pictures and trinkets of Hummingbirds in every room of my house so Marilyn is with me every day and you will be until I join her in Heaven.

idea by JOYCE MARIE BUCKNER OGLES on May 5, 2011 into 6:50pm

My beautiful little mom was by far the most supportive people I know. She loved to help and encourage people.

My Mother Carrie was the best mother. She was taken too soon. She was just 62. She passed on March 3rd, 1992. I miss her on a daily basis. Now that Mothers Day is coming around it is hard for me sometimes because the Hallmark commercials come on and they make me cry now that my husband has lost his Mother last June this is our first Mothers Day without celebrating it. My Mother in Law Eleanora was a wonderful person. She always treated me like a simple princess. I miss her properly as. Its so hard to be without my Mother all this time it was especially hard whenever i was a wedding. She was taken too soon. She was just 62. She perished on March 3rd, 1992. I miss her day by day. Now that Mothers Day is coming around it is hard for me sometimes because the Hallmark commercials come on and they make me cry and now that my husband has lost his Mother last June this is our first Mothers Day without celebrating it. My Mother in Law Eleanora was a wonderful person. She always treated me like a princess. I miss her very well. Its so hard to be without my Mother all this time it was especially hard whenever i was marrying each other.
~AnthonyVax, 18-02-2022
~Bartonaiq, 17-02-2022
Jeanette McSherry

BlogsCelebrating LifeComforting WordsSincere CondolencesTools for Tough TimesWidow on the planet, All Blogs posted a blog post2nd YearI am finding the 2nd year after my husband's death to be significantly worse. i assume I was in shock. Busy with insurance and wills and bills left me little while to feel things. My husband's health when he had his accident was horrible. So as well being goes I knew he was in a better place. But as timeSee More posted a [url=]how to tell if a libra woman likes you[/url] blog postCalm after the StormThe month has been beautiful backwoods. no need for a/c just open a window at night. This year I have been joined by my best friend James. He loves NC close to I do. Is having problems finding a job overqualified for everything. Have had some disorders of the dogs running away again. I guess all the wildlife here is impressive. I will post a new picture of the puppy he is larger than my german spitz already. Charles and Steve hope your everlasting nature was wonderful. Miss youSee MoreIt has been four months since my husband's accidental death. A month of pins and needles, Holding it together and pretending to be strong when allowing myself to feel may possibly instantly shattered that illusion. The second month was one trying to climb what I classified to be an infinite wall of getting the finances together and filling out countless forms. It didn't help that the stupid doctor filled out the death certificate incorrectly. And if the funeral home knew the depths of the pain sensation IDear Jeanette.As you have said your young ones don't see you that often and get on with their own lives. It's sad they can't be happy for you marrying each other again, however more often it's the sons who feel strange their mother is remarrying although I'm sure your daughter may feel the same. Luckily they said they would come to cherished, But would be dejected, technique red flag for you! I would have a engage with your children and tell them that no one can replace their father and that your fiance is not trying to replace him. Also let them know straight up they have a life and you have every right to have a life of your own. nothing at all is wrong with getting married again and they should be happy for you. Jeanette, Stand strong through this one, Have your splendid wedding and start a new life again. You will have wonderful memories of your husband, But he is gone and you are put aside. You are so lucky to have met someone you love and who loves you so don't let your offspring stand in the way. Enjoy your wedding and don't let them ruin that day for you.upon 8:42pm on june 17, 2020, Lisa Hamilton saidI'm not quite sure how to respond to your email, But I have some thoughts i'd like to share, to provide a widow, surviving mother, And Episcopal priest, So I'll try this technique.Those both could be seen as lovely ideas to me. The kids and/or your fianc would have ideas as well. A toast to your late husband by your new husband at the party? Altar flowers devoted to your late husband's memory? Your minister will often have ideas.nonetheless, May your following chapter be richly blessed.available at 4:55pm on present cards 22, 2019, Marsha they would saidJeanette: He appears like a keeper, But I do learn about your hesitation. be truthful with him; Really sit down and tell him your feelings. Let him know that grief just doesn't disappear in a year or more and that you will know when the time is right. He seems like a patient man and I'm sure he's prepared just be around you. The fact he unquestionably feels love for you (This is common because he's been such a great friend to all your family) He will remain just that so your not stressed. Nothing wrong with going for a drink, Dinner or along with, He and in this way can do some fun things. He sounds like the type of man who will wait and if it should turn out he is not how you want although somewhat upset he will back off. for the present time, Don't let him get away and be sure he knows it's a friendship basis at this era. I am very lonely and wish I had a friend like that so rethink more or less everything. He may appear to be a very patient man. That's the sort of man most women really wish. Also be blunt in telling him you don't like to rushed making any decisions currently about the two of you. tranquility and harmony!throughout 2:28am on september 14, 2018, Darlene Y Garland saidThank the 8:36am on july 10, 2018, Dave saidThank you for the accept and condolences, I truly lost my mate Chad at the young age of 37 in October 1st due to complications from Diabetes! I honestly don't know how to handle this because we grew up together and spent a lot of time together and worked together!at the 7:51am on july 1, 2018, Denise saidGood day time Jeanette its Denise. i think you will get my message. I'm still learning how to retort and pick up messages so forgive me slowness. I wonder how you are coping recently. Coping Jeanette there exists a skill and it can be a difficult one during times of distress. One thing ultimately helps though is writing. An article I read regarding the best help for those who grieve said the bible is timeless when it comes to comfort. it has dependable advice and can bring immeasurable comfort to those who grieve. I'm so thankful to know that you have a better future for us. Imagine the time when those in the grave will be cut back to life on earth.
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Circa 2 million in the past. like for example, Early humans tearing around the open grasslands with little regard for courtship courtesy.when we type in our logins and go surfing for love, Out come all our animalistic predatory instincts: We refuse to give a second look to those who don't meet our physical wants, Rudely ignore those we don't find worthy and usually let our ids run wild,Lookit all these products I can date, we presume gleefully, our brains reverting to caveman like activity. We're not about to tell you not to do those ideas. definitely sure, online dating could benefit from a protocol overhaul in terms of courtesy, But begging everyone to change the rules this late amongst people would be stupid.very, we would like to tell you, Starry eyed romantics with big wants finding love: toughen up. Don't start out so personally. Stop weeping onto your keyboard in the online quest for be brief: internet dating is not for the easily offended. 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For all you determine, He's a whole loser with a strange phobia of chillwave, And your mention of Neon Indian under "selected music" is what turned him off. set eyes on, Not responding is an acceptable move in online dating service.If it really kills you to see who's viewing your profile before hitting "erase, Most sites let you turn off the function that indicates see who's peeping your profile. by doing this, You can pretend the moron never checked the message from the beginning. His decrease.The the offensive player: you're in a splendid message volley with an angel, A gorgeous brunette with clever jokes and extraordinarily good spelling and grammar skills. followed by, Quite at once, She goes mime.She still has a profile on the site, And you understand that she still logs in regularly, But she's as unresponsive as a bleary eyed Best Buy employee lollygagging amidst the Blu Rays.Step One is to look at your last message or two: Were you starting to be pushy? Did your last joke border on creepy? Were you sounding a touch too eager? Did you go on too long about your two cats, Cody and / or Pickle? if you're, Take the taciturnity as an indicator of what not to do with the next individual.If the sudden disappearance is truly bewildering, Shrug your shoulders, Tell your story ("Maybe she met another woman great! best for her"), And proceed. This person just did the online same as smiling politely, Excusing herself to go to bathroom and leaving you alone at the bar.the same as or not, Ghosting on someone you're messaging with is entirely acceptable in the digital realm. (And let's be honest, An about out of left field "You're just not quite what I'm buying" Missive may sorta weird.)it's not necessary to, Under any background, Continue to message someone who's stopped responding to you. Persistence doesn't pay off in the game of to shop online for strangers. It just makes you be like a creeper, Reinforcing said person's mysterious decision to cut you off.Browse your drive over to a new profile instead. you will never know; the next person you contact might be totally into your Cody and Pickle dress up photo shoots.The the offense: You're smilingly reading your way through someone's profile and then get to the very end and are aware that he's "hunting: recreational Sex, or maybe a "be, Or whatever your online dating service of choice calls it. Or he makes frequent reference to his sex drive in his profile.Or he messages you and explain that he and his long term special lady are swingers, And they both turn to the actual to find outside dalliances. the the present, We're not saying it is best to approve of such risqu behavior, But we do: Online dating is not for the faint of truth, We really should applaud online daters for being that honest in their profiles. 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